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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 21 Jun 24 12:05:17, всего сообщений: 12518
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= Сообщение: 11277 из 12518 ===================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Ulrich Schroeter                 2:240/1120         21 Feb 22 07:59:42
Кому : Matthias Hertzog                                    21 Feb 22 07:59:42
Тема : Migration review 2:301/1
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:240/1120@fidonet+621350b4
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:301/101+62127534
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
moin Matthias,

Sunday February 20 2022 17:55, you wrote to All:

MH> Hi there!
MH> The migration went through like it was planned. We changed the IP
MH> address behind the existing hostname entry and minutes later, the
MH> first connections went to the new system. That worked for a lot of
MH> systems, but not for all of them.

MH> To facilitate possible future migrations, i'd like to discuss that.
MH> These are the errors i've noticed:

MH> - Some systems still connect to the old system, even if the DNS end
MH> the nodelist entry points to the correct destination. Why is that,
MH> that these systems seem to have been configured to ignore the nodelist
MH> and connect to what ever was configured? What's the benefit of a
MH> nodelist when the content is not used?

think off a static definition in binkd.config (!)

binkd.config doesn't use the raw st.louis nodelist ... instead Binkd make use of static
      node aka ip-address-or-fqdn password flavour

I've also included a binkd-style nodelist for the rest of unknown nodes, not yet connected to my system.
so here, the automatic change of dnsnames in the nodelist gets compiled with a binkd-nodelist compiler
and makes it into the real binkd configuration (dynamic input of include binkd-style-nodelist-compiled file)

so my binkd.config lists following fixed, static entries to your system until you've announced, that 2:301/1
will change in the next days ...

node 2:30/0     fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/0    fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/1    fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/101  fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 39:11/0        fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 39:110/0       fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 39:110/101     fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c

so if you had not announced the switch a couple of days before, the call to 2:301/1 still would go to

but I've was prepared and I've seperated the 2:301/1 line in my binkd.config as static entry to

# CH backbone  Alisha  on the move Herzog -> Alisha  14.2.2022
node 2:301/1       fnthub.abad1dea.to ourpwd c
#node 2:301/113    fnthub.abad1dea.to ourpwd c

so the 2:301/1 did work before the switch and worked after the switch as before the switch

fidonet.services.hertzog.ch and fnthub.abad1dea.to   points to the same IP address and after the move
both fqdns resolves to two different IP addresses

so my current static config lists:

# CH backbone  Alisha  on the move Herzog -> Alisha  14.2.2022
node 2:301/1       fnthub.abad1dea.to ourpwd c
#node 2:301/113    fnthub.abad1dea.to ourpwd c

node 2:30/0     fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/0    fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/101  fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c

node 39:11/0        fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 39:110/0       fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 39:110/101     fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c

Now rethink ... not all sysops received your announcement 3 or 4 or 5 days before the move yet, 'cause they've still have not read it ... 'cause they are away from keyboard ... or on the other side of the moon or somewhere else ...
for those who read your mail probably made the changes to their static binkd.config before hand, some on the next day
so for those, the switch did go smoothly ... but still my tosser config points
for aka 2:301/1 to Matthias Hertzog instead of Alisha ...
the same goes for the Ticker config
as these settings are hardcoded into the config once we've established our connection

The dynamic / static binkd.config with node configurations works like:

# dynamic records, binkd-nodelist compiled every week from raw st.louis nodelist -> binkd.txt
# with records without configured session passwords
include binkd.txt

# followed by static record with static FQDNs and static session passwords
# duplicate records overwrites the records from binkd.txt from above

# CH backbone  Alisha  on the move Herzog -> Alisha  14.2.2022
node 2:301/1       fnthub.abad1dea.to ourpwd c
#node 2:301/113    fnthub.abad1dea.to ourpwd c

node 2:30/0     fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/0    fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c
node 2:301/101  fidonet.services.hertzog.ch ourpwd c

so what ever record for 2:301/1 is listed dynamicly in binkd.txt it gets overwritten by my static
record in my binkd.config

MH> - Some of these systems who connect to the old system, send me the
MH> PKTs for 2:301/1, even when i'm NOT presenting that address in my
MH> Bink. Makes no sense to me, especially not from a security
MH> perspective. The mailer should only send PKTs to a destination system
MH> if the desired address is presented by the receiving system & the
MH> session password matches.

MH> I've noticed some of these systems are running D'Bridge. Were these
MH> issues ever discussed and/or adresseed? Or are these simply sysop's
MH> errors?

no software error, no sysop error ...
this problem is by design ...

each link has to activly update the connection infos to your, now to Alisha's system
with the new data in whatever config ...
If this re-configuration has not been done yet, it takes some more time for the sysop
to enter his link configuration changes

MH> Best wishes & have a nice evening,
MH> Matthias

MH> BTW: The actual cleanup (netmailing affected sysops) takes much more
MH> time than the migration took.

I did such a migration back in 1999 with a hub switch with approx 100 links
I've informed the downlinks weeks before, notified every week about the proposed date
and the final switch did it on a weekend
I've managed all 100 links remotely ...

sending prepared areafix requests to my areamanager and ticker manager for each link
including request for currently linked echo- and fileareas
converted these requests and results into a 2nd set of requests to the new switched system
to enable the identical configuration on the 2nd system.
the last action was a message to the link:
"the switch did happen now"
this was the notification to all links, that they could start reconfigure their systems
with new connection infos sent before.

The 2nd switch I've managed was in 2013 ... a complete net shift from 2:244/* to 2:240/*
We've discussed long beforehand in the net, started an election and finaly moved from net
2:244 to 2:240 at 8th Nov 2013 after one week before the new nodelist segment didn't got it into the weekly nodelist.
Here the transfer took approx 2 weeks until the last one changed his configuration to the new net configuration.

MH> M.H.
MH> -$- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
MH>  $ Origin: MHS Systems (2:301/101)

regards, uli   ;-)

* Origin: AMBROSIA - Bad Ueberkingen - Germany (2:240/1120)

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