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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 13 Sep 24 12:11:54, всего сообщений: 12549
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= Сообщение: 4025 из 12549 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Gerrit Kuehn                     2:240/12           09 Jul 16 08:41:52
Кому : Ward Dossche                                        09 Jul 16 08:41:52
Тема : Re: Brexit
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:240/12+576db516
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854.1+a4082760
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: LATIN-1 ================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:2448/44+5781e963
Hello Ward!

08 Jul 16 22:59, Ward Dossche wrote to Gerrit Kuehn:

GK>> No. I am suggesting that this "transitional" time was only tolerable
GK>> because internationally noboday really cares about a small country
GK>> Belgium.

WD> Actually, I rather think it was no-one's business in the same way
WD> that what the Brits do about their brexit is none of our business
WD> either.

This is true in one way... in another way there are relationships to other countries, stock markets, credit lines...

WD> Maybe you ought to position your own country in recent world-history.

-v ?

I'm quite sure that a similar situation for Germany would have caused major issues both internationally and nationally. It is un-thinkable here.

WD> The purpose of membership of the EU is to upgrade economy and
WD> generally the cost of living and living condition for everyone in the
WD> EU to uniform high level.

WD> This hasn't happened in Portugal nor Spain.

Oh, I see: the bus is broken due to a flat tyre. So let's throw it away and all go by bike instead...

Read: This should not be taken as a reason to abandon the EU, this should lead to think about the reasons for things going wrong and fix them. Expelling less-well off countries is short-sighted, selfish, counter-productive and will in the end lead into the totally wrong direction.

GK>> BTW: You brought up the argument of Marshall plan benefits.

WD> So?
WD> I cannot imagine these figures to be even remotely correct.

Got better ones? Citations? Feel free to update Wikipedia and see what others think about your sources.

GK>> Looks like Spain and Portugal got nothing (Spain) and almost nothing
GK>> (Portugal).

WD> In which way did their economies suffer during the war?

Spain was only officially neutral and de-facto an axis ally. The Spanish civil war that brought Franco into control before WW2 was supported heavily by Germany, Italy and others. After the war, Franco remained in power and led Spain into political and economical isolation for decades. The impact on Spanish economy and development is epic.

WD> Franco openly collaborated and only after taking a strong
WD> anti-communist stance was some aid received.

No, it was the other way round: Spain applied for Marshall funds and was rejected because the US did not want to support a fascist regime under Franco. The money they received later (1950ies) came from Europe (OEEC).


--- Msged/BSD 6.2.0
* Origin: Dry thoughts for the tenant (2:240/12)

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