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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 31 May 24 21:28:28, всего сообщений: 12505
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= Сообщение: 38 из 12505 ======================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Ulrich Schroeter                 2:244/1120         08 Sep 13 21:56:51
Кому : Ward Dossche                                        08 Sep 13 21:56:51
Тема : Nodelist Problem
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:244/1120@fidonet+522d2269
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+a4060571
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+a4032412
Hi Ward,

Saturday September 07 2013 16:51, you wrote to me:

WD> Uli,
US>> With which switch do you disable the FRIDAY anchor in creating
US>> the daily nodelists ?

WD> These are the relevant control-statements:

WD> **********************************************************************
WD>  make composite
WD>  Name FidoNet
WD>  threshold  0
WD>  ;arc 5
WD>  outfile NoDeLiSt
WD>  outdiff NODEDIFF
WD>  publish saturday

WD> master     h:\dailylst\files  ; where master files reside (default -
WD> current)
WD>  outpath    h:\DAILYLST\output ; where the new output files go
WD> mailfiles  h:\makenl\mailer ; where mail server places received files
WD> messages   c:\db\netmail

WD> data
WD> **********************************************************************
WD> ... and here's this morning's log-file for the DAILYLST:
WD> **********************************************************************

I can reproduce building nodelists, but I cannot reproduce
to compile older segment files than 3 weeks back

moving the PUBLISH day by +1 moves the whole daynumbering schema by 1
moving Publish day +2, numbering schema +2 and so on
Last Friday it was day# 249 ... a shift to PUBLISH day to MONDAY
results in output file 252 and requires segment files with a multiple of 7
starting offset 252 -> ext='252' or ext='245' or ext='238'

in a test round I've renamed all region segment files to a series of 7
decrementing daynumber by 7 for each file with some skipped areas
tests 021, 028, 035, 042, .. 077 / 105 / 147 / 189 .. 245
to create an output file .252
only 238, 245 and 252 segments have been imported.

test series II
numbering segments from 233 upto 252
segments with daynumber 238, 245, 252 have been implemented,
all others "not found"

so I'm still wondering, how you've got the R21 (#238), R23 (#207),
R31 (#228), R33 (#294), R38 (#077), R40 (#077), R42 (#004), R45 (#165),
R48 (#172), R49 (#077)  and all the #249 segments included

I've still used MakeNL 3.3.0 compiled with Watcom C on Nov 18 2012 22:50:26
to make the test results as comparable as possible but
a) cannot get any segments that are out of scope of the 3 weeks limit
   to be imported
b) cannot get any segments that are out of scope of the 7 days
   difference period to be imported

ok, next check, download dailylist nodelist.252

WD> Creating new archive file
WD> H:\DAILYLST\OUTPUT\NODELIST.250 Crunching,  Done. (49%) MakeNL 3.3.0
WD> (Win32) compiled with Watcom C on Nov 18 2012 22:49:21 Cmdline:
WD> processing 'NoDeLiSt' -- 0:15, Saturday, September 7, 2013 Processing
WD> Region     20 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION20.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     21 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\region21.238' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     22 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION22.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     23 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION23.207' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     24 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION24.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     25 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION25.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     28 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION28.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     30 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION30.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     31 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION31.228' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     33 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION33.294' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     34 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION34.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     38 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\region38.077' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     40 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\region40.077' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     42 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION42.004' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     45 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION45.165' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     46 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION46.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Region     48 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION48.172' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     49 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION49.077' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     50 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION50.256' Processing


in DL#252

WD> Region     56 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\REGION56.249' Processing

in DL#252

WD> Zone 1 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\ZONE1.249'

in DL#252

WD>  Processing Zone   3 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\ZONE3.249'

in DL#252

WD> Processing Zone    4 -- file 'h:\dailylst\files\ZONE4.249'

in DL#252


all segments included, total ignoring file extensions
that relates to PUBLISH Saturday (#250 from above log) or PUBLISH Monday (#252 downloaded segment)

I've used the D16 mn330 revision, I've used the W32 mn330 revision
no difference in results.

theory (how makenl 3.3.0 should work as descibed in the manuals)
and practicle experiences from my tests matches,
but doesn't match with your results as shown in log ...
so you can believe me, that I have no idea what makes the differences
you experiencing and what I'm experiencing in my tests
in "normal" process mode (-p)

also my tests with the -m=<nodelist>  (merge) mode delivers
the same results (segments not in the offset-(7*x) range
had not been included)

WD>  Creating archive
WD> 'h:\DAILYLST\output\NoDeLiSt.a50' containing
WD> 'h:\DAILYLST\output\NoDeLiSt.250' CRC = 31445 MakeNL finished (rc=0)
WD> **********************************************************************
WD> *******

US>> so on Sat 7th Sep it gets .250 extension ?

WD> Yup!

WD> Core to this is the "publish"-keyword (see use above)
US>> using makenl_ng rev 3.3.3
WD> 3.3.0 here ...

I'd take care on this in my latest test series

WD>  \%/@rd

regards, uli   ;-)

* Origin: AMBROSIA - Frankfurt/Main - Germany (2:244/1120)

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