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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 05 Jul 24 12:03:09, всего сообщений: 12525
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= Сообщение: 3628 из 12525 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Robert Bashe                     2:2448/44          29 Mar 16 15:12:08
Кому : Gerrit Kuehn                                        29 Mar 16 15:12:08
Тема : ping
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:2448/44+56fa8d51
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:240/12+569fc4d2
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:240/12+569fc4d3
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=6404.enetsyso@1:249/303+1b61268e
Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Robert Bashe on Saturday March 26 2016 at 09:30:

RB>> Or panicked by the present, serious, echonews problems raging Europe
RB>> and the USA. Not many, including me, are happy to write mails
RB>> including  attacghment and/or a a IRQ addressm until the present mess
RB>> if cleared up, one any way or anotrher. It may be concentrated in
RB>> Germany, but there are plenty of cases in the States as well. Just
RB>> jalled my cousin in New Mexico, and the situation there is the same
RB>> as here.

GK> I cannot say I understand even a single sentence... -v, please?

The "jalled" was a misprint for "mailed". But as for the rest, read www.heise.de. Lots of articles about "Ransomware", especially in Germany, but in the USA as well. Seems like a wave. And it's not a joke. Too many reputable sites reporting it.

Cheers, Bob

--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-0613
* Origin: Jabberwocky System - 02363-56073 ISDN/V34 (2:2448/44)

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