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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 20 Sep 24 12:02:56, всего сообщений: 12550
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= Сообщение: 6862 из 12550 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Robert Bashe                     2:2448/44          18 Jun 18 18:51:50
Кому : BjФrn Felten                                        18 Jun 18 18:51:50
Тема : Fiber connection to every household
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:2448/44+5b27e366
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5b27aaa0
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
BjФrn Felten wrote to Robert Bashe on Monday June 18 2018 at 14:50:

RB>> Even if I were willing to pay such astronomical amounts, I sincerely
RB>> doubt it.

BF> Astronomical? EUR2000? Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you have a car?
BF> How much does that cost you?

Astronomical. Don't tell me you're one of these people who earn EUR 100,000+ annually, too? I don't, and for me EUR 2,000 is _real_ money.

Smoke, no. Drink, yes. And I don't care to do without a car, which I place in a totally different category than an "superfast" Internet connection that I wouldn't use anyway. "Nice to have" but not really a necessity.

RB>> Only people who place enormous value on fast-fast-fast communications
RB>> (and those are not really that common in Germany) might be interested
RB>> in such things.

BF> Or people with children with grandchildren that visits you from now
BF> and then, and who likes to watch e.g. children's TV on demand without
BF> the annoying pausing caused by a cheap and slow internet connection.

Buy them DVDs or tell them to watch YouTube. Most people here do that. But OK, it's your money, do with it what you please. Everyone has his own priorities.

BF> Welcome to the future...

If that is the future, I'm glad to belong to the past.

RB>> Are the Dutch so much richer than the Germans?

BF> So it seems. Or they are not so cheap that they prefer to hang on to
BF> 20th century technology. May I ask if you own a smart phone? If so,
BF> what did/does it cost you?

Sure ;-) it's a SonyEricsson K800i. I think I paid around EUR 60 for it a while ago (used). Has a fairly decent camera and you can even make phone calls with it ;-)

I leave it to the Yuppies to support Apple. And I surf with a much better display than any smartphone has. Never have understood why some people seem to "have" to surf the Internet anywhere they go, at any time of the day or night.

But that kind of behavior is self-defeating. Have you also read about people being run over by a car when crossing a street and "daddling" on their smartphones so much they ignore the traffic? It's not that rare, you know.

Cheers, Bob

--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-0613
* Origin: Jabberwocky System - 02363-56073 ISDN/V34 (2:2448/44)

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