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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 08 Jun 24 18:41:14, всего сообщений: 12508
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= Сообщение: 9326 из 12508 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Henri Derksen                    2:280/1208.1       25 Jan 20 20:02:03
Кому : Gerrit Kuehn                                        25 Jan 20 20:02:03
Тема : Re: Brexit.
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/1208.1+0e0731dc
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:240/12+5d59a7b8
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
Hello Gerrit and others,

Sun. 05 Jan 2020, 17:51:12, Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Michiel van der Vlist:

GK>> I'm sorry to have to say this, but that attitude gives me the creeps
GK>> every time I hear (or read) it.

MvdV> Same here. I HAVE things to hide. From the bad guys. I do not know
MvdV> who will be the bad guys in five years...

GK> That's part of the problem: If legislation and data is already in
GK> place, it becomes quite easy to do all kinds of nasty things without
GK> much effort and hassle. Eichmann was quite happy to use all the ID data
GK> Dutch authorities already had collected about their Jewish citizens...

Yes, i knew that for years since school.

GK> The only way to prevent misusage of a data pool is to have no data pool
GK> in the first place. I know people from Scandinavia (and maybe also from
GK> the UK?) have a traditionally more relaxed position on privacy and data
GK> protection, but I guess in Germany we have enough reason to be more
GK> concerned.

Everybody should beware of the most invisable risks.
Many young people are less interested in privacy matters.
My mother for instance had suffered from the WO2 war during her youth,
so we, her kids, know how to respect privacy.
For the same reason I hate the waste of food.
You know Holland had lots of hunger in the war winter of 1944-1945.

The best method is to give as little information about yourself as possible.
And if an organization asks more then necessarry for their jobs,
always protest against the not needed extra info to fulfill the asked
services or goods, your birthday and place for instance.
The radio/tv distribution company "Ziggo" wanted to stop analogue tv and ask
every user to go over to DVB-C. When your tv-tuner has no DBV-C, you could
order a coax to Scart and HDMI box for converting DVB-C signal to your tv,
the first one free of charge.
They wanted to have my birthdate, which was NOT necessarry, and they could
not check it somewhere, only the Ziggo contractnumber and/or adress wil do.
The shopkeeper did nog understand this.
So I ordered that box via de webshop, and my e-mail-adres was enough.
After clicking on the provided link, was proof that I am the right person,
that DVB-C to HDMI box was shipped to me, without leaving my birthdate to
them. So sometimes you have to look for oher routes to get your shopping done.

The other way round also happens. If you need some information, or photo's
often de "privacy" argument is used to you, even if you are the involved party.
It happend to me at least two times in traffic accidents.
The first time (1981) the police asked my car papers after the accident,
but they did not want to give me a copy the report, and when I asked them to
read it loud in the phone, it seemed they did not record the the intake of
the asked papers. So their report was incomplete given the actual situation.

The second time (2006) an ambulance without signals (blue lamp and horn)
pushed me from the bicycle path to the footpath, and went on without looking
to me on the ground and the bike besides me.
The police did not want to give the photo's from the camera's in the
naborhood to proove the accident. There was realy no reason to drive at the
bicyclepath and to push me away from it.
As I am almost deaf, I did nor hear it coming from behind,
and second no-one expects an ambulance car on a separate bicyclepath.
At the back of by bike I have a sign to show my hard of hearing,
and I was also wearing a yellow shirt, the same the French use in Paris.
So it was impossible to not see me there at daylight.
The separate bicyclepath was to small there for both of us.
It is hard to break through that unreal "privacy" barrier,
and you then often need the help of a sollicitor (Anwalt).
So always keep sharp when things happen witch are strange.
Good luck.


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* Origin: This machine has no brain, use your own. (2:280/1208.1)

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