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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 13 Sep 24 12:11:54, всего сообщений: 12549
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= Сообщение: 2239 из 12549 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Kees van Eeten                   2:280/5003.4       21 Mar 15 16:35:46
Кому : All                                                 21 Mar 15 16:35:46
Тема : fidonet.net still used in the Z2 section of the Nodelist
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5003.4+550d92bb
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5003.4+550d8d50
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: LATIN-1 ================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5020/12000+4f528f2f

Accidentally also  posted in area FN_SYSOP.

Hello All!

 I have touched this subject before and I think that there have been
 some change since last time.

 The domain fidonet.net was abandoned for use by fidonet more years ago,
 than I care to remember. According to the current nodelist ther are still
 23 Nodes that rely on a hostname in that domain for their connections.
 Only 5 of these nodes also publish a telephone number as alernate.

 It is my strong belief, that if a node does not notice that its main
 address for contact has expired for many years, that this node must have
 left Fidonet without notice.

 I also regret, that net hosts en RC's have so little attention for their
 section of the nodelist, that they allow such false data to remain in the

 I addition there is one Nethost who used the IRD:fidonet.net in his
 hodelist entry. Apart from the fact, that the IDR: flag is probably
 osbsolete, the additional fidonet.net is false.

 I have no authority in these matters, but please can NC's and RC's take
 their tasks a bit more serious. Failing to update for many years, cannot
 be excused by a busy life. If you are that busy, please ask someone else
 to take over.

 The following entries in the nodelist still use fidonet.net

Region 46 - I am aware that most of these nodes are in a warzone and their state may be unclear.

Net 2:641 - Jeff_MacLoue
Hub,43,f43.n461.z2.fidonet.net,Kharkov,Jeff_MacLoue,380-57-7075333,9600,CM, MO,M N,IBN
,435,f435.n461.z2.fidonet.net,Kharkov,Alex_Krasnyansky,380-57-7329333,33600,V34 ,V42B,IBN,IFC,ICM,MN,IEM:fido@scana.net.ua
,605,f605.n461.z2.fidonet.net,Kharkov,Nickolas_Hirgiy,00-00-000000,33600,MO,LO, CM,IBN
Hub,640,f640.n461.z2.fidonet.net,Izyum,Alex_Semenyaka,380-5743-28599,9600,V32,M O,MN,IBN,IFC,ITN:60177
,33,f33.n461.z2.fidonet.net,Kharkov,Andrey_Gerasimov,00-00-000000,300,CM,IFC,IB N,IVM
,47,4F_Group,Kharkov,Stas_Filshtinskiy,00-00-000000,300,MO,CM,IBN,INA:f47.n461. z2.fidonet.net

Net 2:462 - Sergey_Godlevsky

Net 2:465 - Alex_Kondratov

Net 2:468 - Alex_Goldberg
,100,f100.n468.z2.fidonet.net,Kherson,N468_InNetmail,380-552-224376,9600,V34,CM ,MO,XA,IBN,IFC

Region 2:50 - Alex Barinov
Net 2:5004 - Vyacheslav_Shashkov

Net 2:5021 - Stanislav_Volchek
,4,f4.n5021.z2.fidonet.net,Tver_Russia,Ilya_Elstin,-Unpublished-,300,CM,IBN ,INA :ns.comp.tver.ru

Net 2:5022 - Roman_Trunov

Net 2:5045 - Konstantin_V.Kulkoff
,42,Sirius_System,Vladivostok,Igor_Kozhukhov,-Unpublished-,300,CM,IBN,INA:f42.n 5045.z2.fidonet.net

Net 2:5058 - Evgeni_Koniuochenko
,2,ISV_Labs.,Orenburg,Serge_Ilyin,-Unpublished-,300,MO,CM,IBN,INA:f2.n5058.z2.f idonet.net
,13,ZXC,Orenburg,Andrey_Rookin,-Unpublished-,300,MO,LO,MN,CM,IBN,INA:f13.n5058. z2.fidonet.net
,555,Three_Five,Orenburg,Alexey_Rusinov,-Unpublished-,300,MO,CM,IBN,INA:f555.n5 058.z2.fidonet.net
,999,Vile_Ducky,Orenburg,Alexey_Gusev,-Unpublished-,300,CM,IBN,INA:f999.n5058.z 2.fidonet.net

Net 2:5060 - Andrey_Kharchenko

Net 2:5063 - Igor_Grabelnikov
,10,f10.n5063.z2.fidonet.net,Novorossiysk,Alexander_Obidihin,7-861-760-1941,960 0,V34,V42B,XA,MO,IBN,TQF
,80,BigMax,Krasnodar,Maxim_Malykhin,-Unpublished-,300,CM,IBN,INA:f80.n5063.z2.f idonet.net

Net 2:5075 - Eugene_Subbotin
Host,5075,Net_Togliatti,Togliatti,Eugene_Subbotin,-Unpublished-,300,MO,IC,IBN,I FC,INA:fido.subbotin.org,IRD:fidonet.net

Net 2:5090 - Oleg_Parshin
,1029,f1029.n5090.z2.fidonet.net,Krasnoyarsk,Oleg_Parshin,-Unpublished-,300,CM, IBN,INA:f1029.n5090.z2.binkp.net

 Lets keep the Nodelist accurate.



--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
* Origin: As for me, all I know is that, I know nothing. (2:280/5003.4)

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