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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 04 Oct 24 12:06:02, всего сообщений: 12556
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= Сообщение: 5257 из 12556 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         22 Aug 17 14:09:54
Кому : Robert Bashe                                        22 Aug 17 14:09:54
Тема : Swedish meatballs ...
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+599c2454
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:2448/44+599a9dd9
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+599ffb4c
Hello Robert,

On Monday August 21 2017 10:26, you wrote to me:

RB>>> When in Rome... you know the old saying.

MV>> If you had follewed that you would have changed the spelling so
MV>> that the Germans pronounce is as spelled. Somethmng like "Bäsh ?

RB> Why should I?

You said it yourself: when in Rome...

RB> Incidentally, the German Umlaut "a" is too short for proper
RB> pronunciation. I could as well spell my name "Besch". That would be
RB> wrong, too, but not as bad as your example.

The spell it in Geman as it is originally pronounced.

RB> I just pronounce the name like it's spelled, but in German.

Then you are turning thinjs upside down. Spoken language was first. The written form is supposed to represent tghe spoken form. No the other way around.

RB> No need to change anything, and most people get it right on the phone.
RB> I only occasionally still have to spell the name nowadays. And
RB> remember, my name has no national alphabet letters. Nor does yours.
RB> That makes things a lot easier.

It makes us lazy and selfish. Because we need no more that ASCII to proper;y write out name, we thinks that ASCII only is good enough for everyone. Well, it ain't so. The world is bigger than ASCII only. In fact it is a minority. The rest of the world has every right to revolt against the ASCII only clique.

MV>> Who is "Bjoern"? I do not know any "Bjoern".

RB> Better take that up with him, then.

YOU are the one writing it with "oe".

RB> He still thinks the Swedish "o" will be understood and
RB> written/properly pronounced throught the world.

It is. Except for a few ASCII only diehards.

MV>> I am getting very tired of this continued insistance of using
MV>> ASCII only in Fiodonet. 17 years after the start of the 3rd
MV>> millenium there is no excuse for it any more.

RB> Except for the fact that much of the software still in use is designed
RB> for that.

Not any more. The vast majority of participants in Fidonet usus software that can handle more that ASCII only.

RB> I still try to write for the lowest common denominator,

Backwards compatibility has its merits, but take it too far and it stands in the way of progress. If we would take backward compatibility to the extreme, we would still be apes.
RB> i.e. people who have older software. If you want to be understood,
RB> you'll do the same.

Tha same argument cab be used in favour of wrinting in capitals only. Sorry, no deal. Fidonet was designed as an 8 bit transparent medium. To use only the lower seven bits is medieval.

MV>> But for your information the name of my country is "Nederland" and
MV>> its citizens are called "Nederlanders". The English for
MV>> "Nederland" is "The Netherlands" sometimes shortened on the shirts
MV>> as "Netherlands".

RB> So what are you?

If you do not know what tag to put on me, than just don't. I am a citizen of The Netherlands, a European citizen and a citizen of the planet earth. Take you pick. But ever so often it is irrelevant, so just on't use any tags.

RB> Dutch (which should be an even greater insult - you are presumably
RB> familiar with the derivation),

I am familiar with the derivation, and no I am not insulted. Half the Netherlands has "Dietschen bloet". My grandmother from my fathers side was half German. It does not bother me.

RB> a Hollander, a Netherlander (already quite a mouthful) or a
RB> Nederlander? "Dutch" is surely the most common in English - and for
RB> you presumably the most insulting term, being a variety of "Deutsch"
RB> (German).

No. See above.

RB>>> Cheers, Bob (&%%'*;;?=)?) That's Tatchikistan for "Bashe" ;-)

MV>> No. it is not.

RB> How do you know? Do you speak Tatchikastan? ;-)

I do not need detailed knowledge of a langauge to know that (&%%'*;;?=)?) is not a name in any known human language.

RB>>> Happy now?

MV>> No.

RB> Sorry, but both you and Bjoern will have to live with the facts of
RB> life.

The facts of life as perceived by you. No, we do not have to live with your twisted perception of the facts of life. We can just ignore people who insiste on writing Björn with 'oe'.

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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