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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 06 Jul 24 08:57:14, всего сообщений: 12527
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= Сообщение: 5826 из 12527 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         05 Jan 18 16:31:32
Кому : Henri Derksen                                       05 Jan 18 16:31:32
Тема : Nlcheck report.
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5a4fa0fa
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/1208@FidoNet+02102b28
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Hello Henri,

On Thursday January 04 2018 17:09, you wrote to me:

MvdV>> I disagree. More is not better. Having multiple incompatible
MvdV>> cennection methods is detrimemtal to connectivity.

HD> There were allways systems which had both methods as a kind of
HD> gateway. So anyone could get his mail or bring it away. It could not
HD> be crash, but routed mail (not preferred) was the only solution.

Fidonet was originally designed as a peer to peer network. Routing was added in order to save cost and indeed it did save cost but OTOH it has always been a source of problems. Disputes over cost sharing, nosy neighbours spying on in-transit mail, sysops refusing to route encrypted mail and others playing political games.

Now that there is no extra cost involved, I avoid routing and use crash whenever possible.

MvdV>> ISDN is as good as dead. Very few telecom providers still offer
MvdV>> it. New hardware is no longer available. Forget about ISDN. It
MvdV>> is (almost) history.

HD> I know. In the past I have considered it a few times, but I always
HD> came to the conclusion it was a bad connection method, costing me more
HD> than before. Not only the connection fee, but also the new hardware I
HD> had to buy, no thanks.

The monthly fee for an ISDN2 line was less than twice the fee for a single analog line and the cost of calling was the same. I wanted ISDN in the mid nineties. Not so much for Fidonet, but for the possibility of making two simultaneous calls. My then wife used the telephone a lot and ever so often the line was taken when I wanted to make a call myself. But back then, ISDN was not available here. And then she died. When it finally became available here, I no longer needed it.

Now with VOIP I can make multiple calls for practically no extra cost.

HD>>> So I am glad to stay PSTN,

MvdV>> I have already told you many, many years ago that you run the
MvdV>> risk of being left behind. Modem over POTS is technology on the
MvdV>> way out.

HD> I know.

But you did nothing...

MvdV>> New equipment is no longer manufactured and even the wells of
MvdV>> analog modems on marktplaats and other second hand sources have
MvdV>> run dry.

HD> I have plenty of analogue modems over here, also phones (I hardly
HD> use).

They are of no use to you when you have no one else to call...

MvdV>> Presently there is only one other node in Net 280 supporting
MvdV>> POTS and that is the Host. If he leaves Fidonet or even if
MvdV>> something in his POTS setup breaks, you are isolated from net
MvdV>> 280. I can not expect him to go through the cost and effort to
MvdV>> maintain a POTS setup forever just for you.

HD> I know and understand that very well. If that happends, I have to look
HD> for other alternatives.

So what is your plan B?

HD>>> as I do not have the energy to change over to IP.

MvdV>> You should have done that ten years ago when you still had the
MvdV>> energy.

HD> At that time i did not had the energy either.
HD> You know that I am not working commercially any more since 1997.
HD> At that time I was 41 and not able to work any more, as a pity.
HD> That happens to to some people.

You are not the only one in Fidonet that did not have a paid job for the last 20 years. That is no excuse to not upgrade your system.

HD> Must they be cut for their hobby then?

It is not a matter of "must" but a simple matter of what will happen. If you do not upgrade your system, you will eventually be left behind. "No energy", "no time", "no money", it is all a matter op priorities. You did have the energy to do other things than adding IP cabability to your Fdionet system, so apparently you had some energy, but those other things were higher on your list of priorities. Your choice of course.

But Fidonet is a community things. You need others to make a network. And for the others it is a hobby too. The others also have priorities and make choices. Fidonet over POTS is on the way out. Maintaining POTS capability in the age of Fidonet over IP is no longer on the list of priorties of most sysops. You can't expect others to adjust their priorities just so that you can remain connected.

MR>> IMHO it's easier to setup an IP mailer than a POTS mailer plus modem.

HD> That may be, but I am running a POTS BBS over 27 years rock steady.
HD> So there is no need to change it.

The world changes and so does Fidonet. What was the perfect system a quarter of a century ago, is no longer state of the art today.

A POTS only system running on DOS is no longer up to the needs of today's Fidonet.

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: http://www.vlist.eu (2:280/5555)

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