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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 20 Sep 24 12:02:56, всего сообщений: 12550
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= Сообщение: 6918 из 12550 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         24 Jun 18 22:53:56
Кому : Robert Bashe                                        24 Jun 18 22:53:56
Тема : Formula
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+5b300d8f
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:2448/44+5b2f85d3
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:2448/44+5b30a380
Hello Robert,

On Sunday June 24 2018 13:45, you wrote to me:

MV>> It is the temperature associatd with the Hawking radiation of a
MV>> black hole.

RB> As a dumb question from a chemist (but not totally ignorant in other
RB> subjects), could you perhaps explain how a black hole, which is
RB> supposed to prevent anything from exiting it - including light, a
RB> radiation - is suppiosed to nonetheless be able to radiate some kind
RB> of waves/particles?

The "supposed" is within the frame of the theory of relativity. Whe quantum mechanic come into play, the situation changes.

RB> Is there an understandable explanation for "Hawking radiation",

Gerrit already gave you am answer. I gave you al ink to someone who explains it in a video:


Take a look at the videao.

Understandable? Well that depends an what you call understandable. Quantum mechanics is totally counter-intuitive. Relativity is hard to undetstand because it does not match what the hunter needs to catch rabbits. Neither the rabbit nor the hunter comes anywhere near the speed of light. Qauntum mechanics is harder because both the hunter and the rabit never have to deal with seizes 10 orders of magnitude smaller than themselves. The idea that the rabbit is only there if the hunter looks, makes no sense to the hunter.

But the math works out...

RB>  and how (if at all) is it detected?


It is a theory. A pretty solid theory that no one up op now had been able to falsify, but it still is just that: a theory. The effect is far too small to be directly measured even if we had the means to come close enough to a black hole. Also, there has been no experimental verification in the lab. There may be some day, but I do not expect to live to see it.

RB> Also, if anything at all can exit a black hole, could that not be an
RB> interesting thing to investigate?

BOC! And it IS being investigated. In classic theory a black hole has just three parameters: mass, electric charge and rotation. Al other information present in  the matter that collapsed into the black hole is lost. Presumably. Gerard t'Hooft launched a theory that the information is not lost but is stored as a kind of hologram at the event horizon...

RB> The very idea seems to me to be a contradiction of the term "black
RB> hole".

Hawking postulated that black holes are not as black as we first thought. They are still black, as in "black radiator". But black radiators radiate...

Cheers, Michiel

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