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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 13 Sep 24 12:11:54, всего сообщений: 12549
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= Сообщение: 6067 из 12549 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Ward Dossche                     2:292/854          18 Feb 18 12:52:05
Кому : Torsten Bamberg                                     18 Feb 18 12:52:05
Тема : Re: Nlcheck report
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+0d0f352f
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:240/5832+5a88d8c8
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:335/364.3+3dc9319b
Hello Torsten,
TB> A german-ized english is quite hard to interpret. ;-)
Foreign languages and how a non-native speaker uses them are interesting.
It can lead to funny\misleading conversations. As I traveled a lot for business I came across these gems:
* A Dutch professor from the technical university of Delft (THD) when discussing water quality standards for drinking, he always used "sweet water" as drinking\potable water in dutch is called "zoet water". After about 15mins and a lot of odd looks I interrupted by saying 'The esteemed colleague is talking about "fresh" water'.
* An Icelandic politician concluding his speech with "It's like the tale of the uggly duckling which turned into a beautiful swine"
* A Spanish colleague mentioning "My brother in love" meaning his 'brother in law'
So essentially moving around in a multi-ethnic and\or multi-lingual environment it sometimes becomes a careful navigation between 'what did I hear\read', 'what is the subject' and 'what may the person have meant'. It is also important to know if perhaps the writer's dog just died and he\she is influenced by that.
Then take this echo where a person with Russian ancestry may answer any discussion with a URL or Benny Pederson who allows his cat to trample on the keyboard before hitting the <Send> key.
TB>WD> Actually, it's way worse and no piece of software is going to save us.
TB> Ahm, it depends. nlcheck is quite usefull as an third check of segments.
TB> With makenl, errflags and nlcheck the most of the current errors are
TB> foundable.
I'm talking about things which cannot be checked.
Also I've learned that as an outsider it is many times difficult to assess the goings-on in a different region. I can think immediately of 7 or 8 regions that can be scrapped from the nodelist by implementing the rigid structures pushed-forward by the 'Nodelist Police'.
A specific region is providing me with its region-file by email attach. Another region is sending it to me by a Facebook/personalmail/attach. I could easily dump these two. There are 2 regions I can't call as the listed-information doesn't work, however they call me and deliver files, mail and pick-up whatever's on-hold for them ... I can dump these two as well... And if the rigidness is driven to the extreme we will be left with R24, R25, R28, R29, R33, R41, R46 and R50 in a reduced form plus Tommi and Holger
I work daily to keep this zone glued together, I'm not joking ... hours a day ... to keep it together. That includes also the promotion and attracting new/returning people. It takes more than running segments through an array of exotic Black-box softwares.
At some point I became reluctant to use softwares about which I have no significantly enough in-sight into their inner workings. That was sparked
by 2 eminent contributors to this conference sending a direct netmail to eachother and accidentaly cc-ing it to me saying something along the lines "If we include this and this in the program he will never know" ...
You also carefully need to consider the needs and the reasons, the "why's", the "how come", the "what for" how someone is listed, how it all affects them when an RC from an insignificant region with 3 active nodes [although 12 are listed] goes around spouting his theories how it all affects him. In the end such an attitude is going to lose us our Fidonet. You were in on the discussion on how not too long ago before his accident Bob Bashe wanted to leave Fidonet because of the continued bashings by some techies who badly need to show how good they are and how stupid all the rest. You and I [and perhaps others] both argued with Bob in private mail and convinced him that there's more here than a few loudmouthing techies in a mental masturbation competition.
When things improve with Bob I intend to visit him. It's some 250km one way for me. Maybe you'd like to join?
TB>WD> If you want to know what I'm doing today, go to www.fiac.be and go to
TB>WD> 'streaming4 ad fro; 08h50 today.
TB> Respect! You do theese acrobatic figures by your own?
With the number of years as disclosed by my passport it would not be wise to attempt all that plus I have a herniated disc between the L4 and L5 vertebrae.
However, my youngest daughter more than a decade ago was a national gymnastics champion and recording the feats of her by a proud dad on a single handycam-camera has now turned into a business where multi-cam we are broadcasting/streaming world championships, worldcup competitions, stadium shows, rock concerts. This evening we are providing live imagery on prime-time TV on 2 stations during sports-programs. (I slept a grandtotal of 3-4hrs per night the past 4 nights, long live adrenaline, black coffee and PepsiCola]
Enjoy the remainder of the week-end.

--- D'Bridge 3.99 SR19
* Origin: Resist-Insist-Persist-Enlist / onwardtogether.org (2:292/854)

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