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= Сообщение: 8288 из 12505 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Ward Dossche                     2:292/854          18 Feb 19 12:13:25
Кому : All                                                 18 Feb 19 12:13:25
Тема : FTSC-membership elections
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+0e0f2b57
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Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5020/545+5c6ac5be
For those not in the know, an election for FTSC-members is in the works and candidates have been nominated. {see below forwarded message}
Now it's up to the RCs to elect ... or not. But I'll give you my opinion ... Fidonet is an operation by and for volunteers and we should be happy there are individuals willing to stick their necks out.
Every RC moves at his own discretion and speed but I would propose to elect all these individuals. Bob Seaborn isn't there anymore to make a joke out of it and cut people out based on personal dislikes.
If an RC wishes to consult his constituency, by all means ... go for it.
RCs ... this is a time to show yourselves.
 \%/@rd Dossche
Date: 17 Feb 19  17:00:19
From: Andrew Leary
  To: All
Subj: FTSC Standing Member Election - Call for Votes
Hello everybody!
                FTSC standing member elections, call for votes
Voting for FTSC standing members commences on Sunday, 17 February,
2019, 20:00 UTC.
All RCs are entitled to vote.  Each voter may cast one "yes"
or one "no" vote for each candidate.  Voters need not vote for all can-
didates, a non vote will be regarded as "abstain" for that candidate.
Candidates must receive more "yes" than "no" votes to be elected.
Although not required, voters are encouraged to consult their
constituency before casting their votes.  Debate with the candidates
is also encouraged.  No need to hurry.
Voting ends on Sunday, 3 March 2019, 20:00 UTC.
The status of RC's will be determined by nodelist.025 of this year
by the list as issued by the ZC in the zone where they reside.
This is the list of nominees.
  Candidate             Node nr.      Nmntd by    Accepted
  Carol Shenkenberger   1:275/100     RC13        Yes
  Andrew Leary          1:320/219     RC18        Yes
  mark lewis            1:3634/12     RC18        Yes (Self Nom.)
  Richard Menedetter    2:310/31      RC18        Yes
  Ozz Nixon             1:275/362     RC13        Yes
  Nick Andre            1:229/426     RC29        Yes
Voters are requested to copy and paste the form below, mark a
cross for each candidate in the "yes" or the "no" column for all
candidates they wish to cast a vote for and post it in FTSC_PUBLIC
addressed to "Election Coordinator with a subject of "Vote".
Once again, voters need not vote for all candidates.
 | Name                 |  Node nr    | Yes| No |
 |                      |             |    |    |
 | Carol Shenkenberger  | 1:275/100   |    |    |
 | Andrew Leary         | 1:320/219   |    |    |
 | mark lewis           | 1:3634/12   |    |    |
 | Richard Menedetter   | 2:310/31    |    |    |
 | Ozz Nixon            | 1:275/362   |    |    |
 | Nick Andre           | 1:229/426   |    |    |
FTSC Election Coordinator

--- D'Bridge 3.99 SR41
* Origin: Ceci n'est pas un courriel (2:292/854)

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