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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 14 Jun 24 12:02:39, всего сообщений: 12513
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= Сообщение: 7603 из 12513 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Ward Dossche                     2:292/854          25 Oct 18 18:59:48
Кому : Vince Coen                                          25 Oct 18 18:59:48
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+13222d17
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:250/1@fidonet+5bd1df44
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:221/360+5bd21b20
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5020/545+5bd2428a
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:250/1@fidonet+5bd39e8b
VC> She must have forgotten to close down / stop these processes which look
VC> as if they are running on empty directories or data since handing over
VC> the Z1 hat.
Bollocks. Rest assured, I know what I'm doing ...
This is what your precious Icequeen sent around. here's the binkd.log of Scott-delivering a perfectly valid segment which got processed, and minutes later Janis delivering crap:
- 14 Oct 00:14:36 [4416] ZYZ Scott Little
- 14 Oct 00:14:36 [4416] receiving zone3.287 (8813 byte(s), off 0)
- 14 Oct 00:23:02 [4700] ZYZ Janis Kracht
- 14 Oct 00:23:02 [4700] receiving zone3.287 (768 byte(s), off 0)
And this is the segment she delivered, in full ...
;A Zone Nodelist for Sunday, October 14, 2018 -- Day number 287 : 51129
;A The FidoNet NodeList is a listing of the members of FidoNet.
;A Copyright of the contributing coordinators of FidoNet Zone 3.
;A The following restrictions on distribution and use of this list apply:
;A o The FidoNet NodeList is compiled so that computer systems within FidoNet
;A   may communicate with each other. Use and intra-FidoNet distribution
;A   rights are granted to all FidoNet system operators and prospective
;A   operators for the purposes of communication within FidoNet and/or
;A   applying for a FidoNet node number.
;A o This is a compilation of individual nodelist segments contributed by the
;A   drafters and compilers of those segments. Contrib
Where's the rest? Your guess is as good as mine, but it's a technically valid segment, so it got processed.
VC> Have you dropped a msg to her regarding ?
What do you think? It has been discussed in the closed ZCC-echo where she as a former ZC continues to have complimentary access ...
Date: 15 Oct 18  08:37:23
From: Ward Dossche
  To: Janis Kracht
Subj: Please stop distributing ZONE-files
MSGID: 2:292/854 092e1e1d
You have to stop distributing ZONE-files, you're not a ZC anymore, you're not
in that loop anymore.
You have delivered here a ZONE3-file with just part of the header and no
content right after I received a correct-one from Scott Little...
- 14 Oct 00:14:36 [4416] ZYZ Scott Little
- 14 Oct 00:14:36 [4416] receiving zone3.287 (8813 byte(s), off 0)
- 14 Oct 00:23:02 [4700] ZYZ Janis Kracht
- 14 Oct 00:23:02 [4700] receiving zone3.287 (768 byte(s), off 0)
I don't know what you're doing, but whatever it is please stop doing it.
Thank you.
-+- D'Bridge 3.99 SR33
 * 0rigin: A man's most proud moment is when he takes a shit (2:292/854)
zEEN-BY: 90/1 229/426 261/38 292/854 712/848
P@TH: 292/854
10 days later still not a single letter of explanation what she was doing or what had occured (shit can happen to anyone) hiding from her trumpet-section which would be dissapointed if she'd ever have to appologize about something ... to me.
And last but not least, she was not merely forwarding some files ... she re-hatched them in the same echo into which they already had been hatched ...
Origin 1:261/38
From 1:261/38
To 2:292/854
File zone3.287
Replaces zone3.287
Desc Zone segment
Crc 00000000
Created by BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
Path 1:261/38.0 @181013181001 EDT+5
Seenby 1:261/38
Seenby 2:280/5003
Seenby 2:292/854
Seenby 3:712/848
Seenby 4:90/1
Seenby 4:801/161
A while ago she re-hatched the ZONE2-segments even which already had been hatched by me and sent them ... back to me ... with origin 1:261/38.
Anything else you think I do not understand?
Vince, you've been sucking-up to Janis for ages. Trust me, if she's got something which she wants to say, it'll be spoken ...
The only thing that can be said is that Scott and me should've rejected those segments but there's a level of confidence in the ZCC which now needs to be examined in a whole new context.
Take care,

--- D'Bridge 3.99 SR33
* Origin: A man's most proud moment is when he takes a shit (2:292/854)

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