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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 28 Jun 24 12:04:28, всего сообщений: 12519
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= Сообщение: 2828 из 12519 ====================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Ward Dossche                     2:292/854          26 Sep 15 22:43:32
Кому : Oleg Pevzner                                        26 Sep 15 22:43:32
Тема : Re: More about nodelists
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+a4081482
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:464/5555+5606ea9f
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:464/5555+5607d0ab
OP> We have noticed that the nodelist file which is distributed via the
OP> DAILYLST fileecho differs from the similar file which is located at the
OP> FTP. First of all, the beginning and ending informative parts of these
OP> files are different, but sometimes the differences can be noticed in the
OP> content part too. Besides that, when making changes to the nodelist, it
OP> occurs often that the changes reach the file at the FTP much earlier and
OP> faster than the file which is distributed via the fileecho. Sometimes
OP> this delay may reach several days. What can be it connected with and is
OP> it a possibility for synchronizing these files in the time?
I think you and/or who claims this is gravely mistaken until you can more adequately prove your statement.
There is only 1 (one) production run a day of the DAILYLST and it occurs at 00:15 every day with the exception of Friday for the time-zone in which I reside.
After that production run the content of the FTP-area at 2:292/854 (ftp://many-glacier.dtdns.net) and of the DAILYLST-distrinution which goes out a little while later is identical <period>.
Just to satisfy my curiosity I went back like 14 days and observed the binkd-log for you as far as it concerns DAILYLST and this is what it looks like
+ 12 Sep 01:35:18 [460]  sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.255 (230573, 11528.65 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 13 Sep 01:35:21 [948]  sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.256 (230571, 6781.50 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 14 Sep 01:35:20 [3444] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.257 (230571, 7437.77 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 15 Sep 01:36:12 [2924] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.258 (230579, 4269.98 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 16 Sep 01:35:42 [3760] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.259 (230585, 7951.21 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 17 Sep 01:35:24 [668]  sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.260 (230438, 7201.19 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 19 Sep 01:36:23 [2768] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.262 (230530, 4904.89 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 20 Sep 01:36:01 [2184] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.263 (230518, 6066.26 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 21 Sep 01:35:28 [2852] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.264 (230518, 5762.95 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 22 Sep 01:35:48 [2952] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.265 (230523, 4704.55 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 23 Sep 01:35:24 [3984] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.266 (230426, 6400.72 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 24 Sep 01:35:26 [3732] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.267 (230545, 6230.95 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
+ 26 Sep 00:19:33 [3796] sent: C:\DB\BINKD\24645555\NODELIST.269 (230543, 6230.89 CPS, 2:46/0@fidonet)
... meaning you are getting the DAILYLST-distribution delivered every day at your doorstep with the exception of the 18th and 25th of September when it is not actually generated because it is a Friday and I cannot have 2 similarly named files floating around with potential differing content for the same day.
So what is your problem then? or the problem of the one noticing something?
Might I suggest someone is milking 2 cows and uses my FTP to compare it to Janis' DAILYLST (which of course will be different) or vice-versa?
Please let me know because my nodelist-watchdogs Wilfred Van Velzen and Kees Van Eeten have not contacted me at all about this.
Take care,

--- D'Bridge 3.99
* Origin: Many Glacier -- Protect - Preserve - Conserve (2:292/854)

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