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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 18 Jun 24 12:44:18, всего сообщений: 12517
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= Сообщение: 11056 из 12517 ===================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Dmitry Protasoff                 2:5001/100.1       17 Nov 21 17:38:30
Кому : Michiel van der Vlist                               17 Nov 21 17:38:30
Тема : Russian education
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5001/100.1+61953d26
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+619511be
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:280/5555+61979d07
*** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

Hello, Michiel!

Wednesday November 17 2021 15:28, you wrote to me:

DP>> It's a chance to make like of those guys better!

MV> Is it? You really think these people are better off locked up betweeen
MV> the Polish/Belarus border in front and the Belarus border guard in the
MV> back? Withouut food, clothing or shelter against the freezing cold?
MV> You really think they are in a better position now than in their
MV> country of origin?

If EU will allow them to go to Germany - their life will be much better.
Why lock them on the border? Bring them some buses!

MV> However... suppose some of them make it into the EU.. Are they better
MV> off then in Russia? If not why do you not let them come to you
MV> country? If the goal is to make there life better?

They don't want to go to Russia because they'll have to work hard here to survive.
Life is not easy for illegal migrants in our country.

MV> And if they are better off in the EU than in Russia, why does the same
MV> not apply to you? Why would you not want a better life and come to the
MV> EU instead of staying in Russia where life has less quality? Why are

Because I can afford higher standards of living while staying in Russia than most of EU residents have in their own countries.
Why go to EU when I am pretty fine here?
Higher taxes, higher prices..

MV> you not at the Polish/Belarus border for your chance of a better life?

I have better life than most of the Poles.
And I live just 25 minutes by car from nearest airport where I can get a plane to EU any day of the week.
Austria allowed Russians to visit EU even during lockdowns.

DP>> Germany is importing more gas now than it did in 2014. So not
DP>> much of a progress. And if our export will go down a bit - prices
DP>> will even more higher!

MV> And you yourself will aso pay more.

No, in Russia gas prices are state controlled. I pay like 1,5 euro per month for gas in my appartment.

MV> But it won't last forever. You eill rn into the smae problems as we
MV> did with our gas wells in Grongingen. That source of income will dry
MV> out eventually.

Not in my life :)

DP>> Prices went up, they became richer without doing anything.

MV> That was only a temporary effect. In the long run they only achieved
MV> that they were labelled an unreliable and unpredictable supplier and
MV> customers strated looking for alternatives.

For Russian oil? :) Now you have 2 problems instead of one.

DP>> Now you pay us more for gas, coal and oil. Let's wish the best
DP>> for your economy ;)

MV> Don't worry about us. We have a strong ecomony. We can afford your
MV> prices. You can not afford doing without our payments.

We can say goodbye to Netherlands, Germany will buy your share of our gas with great pleasure.

From recent news:

"Russia has ordered the expulsion of a Dutch journalist - the second deportation of a resident foreign correspondent in the past two months - and has reduced natural gas supplies to energy-starved Europe. "

So we already doing it our way.

Best regards,

--- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)

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