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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 06 Jul 24 08:57:14, всего сообщений: 12527
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= Сообщение: 712 из 12527 ======================================= ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Alexey Vissarionov               2:5020/545         04 Mar 14 20:02:22
Кому : BjФrn Felten                                        04 Mar 14 20:02:22
Тема : Ukraine
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5020/545+531601a8
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:203/2+5315bc44
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Good ${greeting_time}, BjФrn!

04 Mar 2014 12:43:02, you wrote to me:

AV>> Hmmm... well, I'm looking from another country, and, being honest,
AV>> don't give even a single f#@k to your economical situation which
AV>> caused the overthrow of Yanukovich. That's Ukrainian internal
AV>> business, not mine.
BF> Yeah well, to some extent I can agree with you, but I'm also a firm
BF> advocate of having Ukraine joining the European Union.

Yes, the EU will most likely get some profit from that.
But the Ukraine... hmmmm... unlikely.

BF> But not with a corrupt, illegal, neo-nazi government in charge. We
BF> can be certain that, if the Ukraine is granted membership of the EU,
BF> they will line their pockets with EU money as much as they can. Just
BF> as they have done with local money for two decades now.

That's the primary (if not only) reason why they are willing to join the EU :-)

PG>>> What nazi are you about?
AV>> [...] That means, among one of the sides there are real nazis (or,
AV>> more precisely, neo-nazis).
BF> Thanks for bringing this up, I forgot to answer Pavel about the
BF> neo-nazi issue.

For me, that's obvious: people acting together with nazis don't worth... anything, I'd say.

BF> Pavel: is it or is it not true that one of the first actions your
BF> new government did, was revoking the law against nazi symbols and
BF> nazi propaganda? Or is that just Russian disinformation?

Not one of the first, but...

Another revoked law was about regional languages: if there are really many people in some area speaking some language as their native, that language got the official status. Other than (obviously) Russian, at least Hungarian, Romanian and Polish had this status in different areas. But not now.

AV>> If not... well, Ukrainian people have a good experience fighting
AV>> nazis (and their collaborationists).
BF> Ahem... Yeah, I had that in mind too, but didn't want to bring that
BF> up. We usually object when the USAians try do insult us with their
BF> "we saved your asses in WWI and in WWII", so let's forget about the
BF> WWII mistakes almost all countries made by then. Water under the
BF> bridge, so to speak.

Now they'll have to save their own asses^Wpurses...

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
gremlin.ru!gremlin; +vii-cmiii-ccxxix-lxxix-xlii

... :wq!
--- /bin/vi
* Origin: http://openwall.com/Owl (2:5020/545)

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