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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 14 Jun 24 12:02:39, всего сообщений: 12513
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= Сообщение: 11341 из 12513 ===================================== ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Alexey Vissarionov               2:5020/545         27 Feb 22 16:06:32
Кому : Matthias Hertzog                                    27 Feb 22 16:06:32
Тема : ukrine
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5020/545+621b78a2
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:301/101+621b7660
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:301/101+621b81a2
Ответ: area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:5001/100.1+621c0a60
Good ${greeting_time}, Matthias!

27 Feb 2022 14:02:22, you wrote to me:

WD>>>> It was announced here that Belgium is sending 2.000 machine
WD>>>> guns, ammunition and 3800 tonnes of fuel ... transport should
WD>>>> already be underway ...
GK>>> Even German government appears to be changing their minds now. At
GK>>> least other countries like the Netherlands and Estonia will be
GK>>> allowed now to deliver German weapons, and some more things will
GK>>> come directly from Germany.
AV>> ... to support neo-nazis? Noted.
MH> Could you please explain that?

Since 2013 the Ukraine was controlled by neo-nazis. With puppet presidents and government they could change at any time.

Now they are being wiped from Ukraine. Most likely, now they will escape to Western Europe - meet them, they would be an excellent addition to Arabs and Turks :-)

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
gremlin.ru!gremlin; +vii-cmiii-ccxxix-lxxix-xlii

... god@universe:~ # cvs up && make world
--- /bin/vi
* Origin: ::1 (2:5020/545)

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