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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции ENET.SYSOP с датами от 10 Jul 13 21:42:12 до 28 Jun 24 12:04:28, всего сообщений: 12519
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= Сообщение: 511 из 12519 ======================================= ENET.SYSOP =
От   : Vitaliy Poluhin                  2:6035/5           25 Jan 14 13:49:32
Кому : Ward Dossche                                        25 Jan 14 13:49:32
Тема : Ukraine
FGHI : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:6035/5+52e3897e
На   : area://ENET.SYSOP?msgid=2:292/854+e1036554
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Здpавствуй, Ward!

Суббота 25 Января 2014 10:09, ты писал(а) мне, в сообщении по ссылке area://enet.sysop?msgid=2:292/854+e1036554:

WD> Good call.
WD> Let the UkraЛnians decide by themselves ... "Ruskies stay out" ... and
WD> quit using "natural gas" as a weapon.

 I say the same things. And I will never return to call the Soviet Union or the Russian Empire. Ukraine - an independent country with its own constitution and laws. We, Russian, just watching and worried about our neighbors. And we wish that we were stronger neighbors. And they have to their own choice, without pressure from Moscow or Brussels.
 Just we are more worried about the situation in Ukraine, for the reason that there are many Russian friends and relatives in Ukraine. I have many friends in Lviv, a cousin and his family in Krivoy Rog. And I'm worried about them and their families.

С уважением - Vitaliy
--- -Пиши, старик, пиши! Мы тебя не покинем.
* Origin: Hеужели опять: яйца всмятку, котлеты, цыплята? (2:6035/5)

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