= Сообщение: 56 из 7128 ======================================== FTSC_PUBLIC = От : Ross Cassell 1:123/456 21 Oct 13 20:48:56 Кому : Ward Dossche 21 Oct 13 20:48:56 Тема : FTSC Nominations FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:123/456+5265cc15 На : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:292/854+b7081352 = Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP437 ================================== ============================================================================== Hello Ward!
21 Oct 13 22:35, you wrote to me:
RC>> You always post some faux concern over the election like RC>> clockwork..
RC>> I would like to know what was accomplished during the past year?
RC>> Do we need a FTSC?
WD> It's sort of the same question, worded different. As far as I'm WD> concerned "nail on the head".
WD> The question perhaps should be "Do we STILL need an FTSC?"
I didnt see much going on when I was on it..
I also firmly believe that our Netherland and Swedish components on the group are there only for the collection of titles to feel wanted, needed or relevant.