I assume you have me twitted so I am using my title.
R>> Good grief is right, he submitted a correction... Its not like we R>> are voting in Parliament mate.
PQ> And still got it wrong. What's so difficult about the process of PQ> quoting from the co-ord's "announcement" note? Does this series of PQ> faux pas indicate that RC14 never read it? How does RC14 even know of PQ> the requirement/opportunity to vote? Is there a circle-jerk of Z1 RCs PQ> determining the format & content of votes, regardless of co-ordinator PQ> instructions?
His final correction is the correct ballot...
Point is, even with that childish editting, the node number is correct...
Precedense also is in existence that allows additional ballots, if a correction needs to me made, seems to me that Mr Justvig made such a correction..