KvE> What I get presented in LATIN-1 0xc3 = Capital A tilde, KvE> 0xb3 = Cedilla
Understood. However if it had been sent out as LATIN-1 then neither would have existed and it would have showed up as 0xf8.
KvE> As 0xc3 and 0xb3 are not in de translation table, nothing is KvE> converted.
Understood. However that is incorrect since the code sent was 0x0f8 ... or U+00F8 if you prefer. That does indeed translate to 0xf8 in LATIN-1 ... or 0x9b in cp850 as it turns out.
Life is good, Maurice
... A Møøse once bit my sister ... --- GNU bash, version 4.2.45(2)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) * Origin: Pointy Stick Society - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001.0)