It turns out that glibc supports CP1125. I never heard of it before your posts here but it doesn't surprise me any. The conversion CP1125 <-> UTF-8 appears to be working 100% so far. However I don't see any mention of it at IANA;
For the record I am keeping your MSGs as CP1125 and only do the conversions when I quote. I *NEVER* mess with the originals and neither does any code here that I am currently using.
MK>> Що ти хочеш?
PG> I'll be glad if the FTS about DDN could be improved or corrected.
Understood. What do you need to make it happen? I am unsure what the real problem is and throwing Russians under the bus isn't going to help ... even if they deserve it. ;-)
PG> And the FTS about charsets too.
Unfortunetly that one might be a tad harder to pull off especially if it isn't listed at IANA. As I said previously, it is an obscure encoding, or at least it is in this part of the world and without IANA support ... ????
Life is good, Maurice
... Fidonet 4K - Sweet Sixteen Penguins of the Apocalypse. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-znver2-linux-gnu) * Origin: One of us @ (1:153/7001.2989)