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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Jul 24 00:39:40, всего сообщений: 7125
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= Сообщение: 2580 из 7125 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Mike Miller                      1:154/30           17 Oct 17 00:53:23
Кому : TIM RICHARDSON                                      17 Oct 17 00:53:23
Тема : Katrina Anniversary
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:154/30+59e59da5
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:123/140+9a5fda66
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================

   Hello TIM!

16 Oct 17 17:09, you wrote to me:

TR> On 10-14-17, MIKE MILLER said to GREGORY DEYSS:

MM>> Hello Gregory!

MM>> 12 Oct 17 20:09, you wrote to me:

GD>> I stand behind what I said about we can not have these islamic
GD>> fools feeling so strongly about Allah that they commit bloodshed.
GD>> Why anyone would disagree with this logic is really ridiculous.

GD>> Keep the caliphate and Sharia Law out of the United States.

GD>> But about the doctor's I do not condone murder by murder, these
GD>> facilities should not exist but if they shall exist for true care
GD>> of a women, then care must be defined clearly so that they do not
GD>> commit murder known as abortion.

MM>> The law says it is not murder. Your religions says it is murder.
MM>> You're trying to enforce religious laws on everyone, Can't you see
MM>> the parallels?

TR> You've got it the other way around. The law says its not murder.

TR> Fine.

TR> People of certain religious faiths believe otherwise.

TR> Can they stop a woman from entering a Planned Parenthood facility and
TR> getting an abortion?

TR> No, and most wouldn't try.

 SOme do. with guns. If you're going to blame all Muslims for the acts of a few, it's ok to blame all Christians for the acts of a few, right? fair is fair!

TR> But the lefties who believe so in abortion felt moved to FORCE those
TR> who object to abortion to `participate' in it! Like making religious
TR> employers pay for insurance that *includes* abortion!

TR> In other words....you aren't only gonna take the change and like
TR> it....you're gonna PAY for it!

 I see you don't understand how Insurance works.  I don't want to pay for circumcisions, but I don't get a say in that either.

TR> Or the sodomites;

TR> You aren't only gonna accept that same-sex sodomites can degrade your
TR> sacrement of matrimony....you're gonna be forced to participate in it
TR> by making their wedding cake! Screw YOUR values. Screw YOUR religious
TR> beliefs!

 If I owned a bakery, and someone came in and wanted a cake that said "Praise Jesus" I would have to make it, because Religion is a protected thing under the Civil Rights act. Would it be OK for me to deny someone that as well?

TR> Lefties aren't satisfied with just winning a step toward their
TR> prefered way of having things, they gotta try forcing everybody to
TR> sacrifice their standards so they don't feel near as bad about
TR> themselves. They want to force participation of the religious
TR> community so as to `normalize' their degenerate behavior. Make it
TR> mainstream.

 Your stupid religion says it's "degenerate behavior". other stupid religions say it's not.  Who is right?

TR> They aren't satisfied with having the `right' to abort a baby they
TR> don't want, they insist others pay to abort it.

 Once again, you don't know how Insurance works.

 Don't like Abortion? don't get one.
 Don't like same-sex marriage? Don't get married to a same-sex partner.

 You're funny, Timmy. You're all for freedom, until someone does something you don't like. Then that freedom should be taken away, even if it doesn't harm you in the least. You're such a hypocrite.


... Any small object when dropped will hide under a larger object.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20161221
* Origin: War Ensemble - warensemble.com - Appleton, WI (1:154/30)

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