On 05 Jan 14 18:20, Maurice Kinal wrote to Kees van Eeten:
KvE>> What I get presented in LATIN-1 0xc3 = Capital A tilde, KvE>> 0xb3 = Cedilla
MK> Understood. However if it had been sent out as LATIN-1 then neither MK> would have existed and it would have showed up as 0xf8.
KvE>> As 0xc3 and 0xb3 are not in de translation table, nothing is KvE>> converted.
MK> Understood. However that is incorrect since the code sent was 0x0f8 MK> ... or U+00F8 if you prefer. That does indeed translate to 0xf8 in MK> LATIN-1 ... or 0x9b in cp850 as it turns out.
So what does this all mean then? Are the translation tables wrong? Is that why Golded isn't displaying things correctly? Inquiring minds want to know! :)
Regards, Nick
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130910 * Origin: Dark Sorrow | darksorrow.us (1:154/701)