MV> NA> Your time has come and gone. You're a "has been". Take a hike back to MV> NA> your effeminate Nodelist-police echo where you and your suspender MV> NA> snapping buddy drool over eachother's interpretation of a silly MV> NA> textfile of which you both have absolutely no say in its production or MV> NA> outcome. MV> MV> "Silly textfile"?
Yes. For a hobby, its silly that you must obsess over this day in, day out... evident of a sad individual with no life and definately no social skills.
Whether the nodelist is right or wrong, you personally will not be affected by it. Your life as you live and as you know it, does not change. And your ability to be an old douchebag troll will certainly not be affected.
--- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)