On Wed, 16 Apr 2014, Maurice Kinal wrote to Michiel van der Vlist:
MvdV> Same for other character sets like CP437, Latin 1 or ASCII.
MK> I beg to differ. I see all those and more. I don't see UTF-16 or MK> UTF-32 though but do see UTF-8 which doesn't require a BOM for MK> identification.
obviously something is required when your loved iconv tool tells you that this messages is UTF-8 just because it contains characters with positions >127 in the character table used to create this message...
your mФФsИ nЙЙds help and so do your tools which can't reliably identify a character set used in a message ;) O:)
yes, i know i didn't use all the same characters as you do with your moose but the point is still the same... the tool you use is not accurate in its identification...
One of the great tragedies of life is the murder of a beautiful theory by a gang of brutal facts. --Benjamin Franklin