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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Apr 24 01:17:44, всего сообщений: 7124
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= Сообщение: 1965 из 7124 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : mark lewis                       1:3634/12.73       29 Feb 16 11:18:28
Кому : Stephen Hurd                                        29 Feb 16 11:18:28
Тема : FSP-1040.001 draft 0
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:3634/12.73+56d4768f
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=67.fido-ftscpubl@1:103/1+1b38a875
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP437 ==================================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=71.fido-ftscpubl@1:103/1+1b3a11a9
28 Feb 16 22:18, you wrote to me:

SH>>> value in this field.

ml>> ahhh... yes, i see what you mean... maybe PktTypeVer is clearer?

SH> I've gone with pktType.  I don't know what "Ver" would add to this
SH> except confusion.

that works... "ver" only to try to indicate the version but ISWYM...


SH> I've now changed it again to Undef after adding a description of that
SH> type to the new section 1.1:

SH>   1.1 Field types used in this document
SH>   -------------------------------------

yes! i like that... it helps to remove any ambiguation that may be perceived...

ml>> ok... i've always wondered how the highest supported packet type is
ml>> supposed to be negotiated ;)

SH> Basically, the first packet from each node is 2+, then each side needs
SH> to keep a copy of the per-node capability word and select the highest
SH> common one.

i still don't understand where the additional packets from the mailer come from and what triggers their transmission... traditional FTN mailers transmit their initial PKT... if the remote mailer doesn't understand it, the connection may be terminated or another protocol may be attempted... another protocol which doesn't use PKTs but can be used to transmit files with a PKT extension... this is, however, probably outside the range of this document... i dunno...

SH> This ends up causing issues if the tosser is replaced with one that
SH> supports a differet set or a node number is reuysed, and requires
SH> storing details about every node that packets have ever been exchanged
SH> with.

yes... plus the tosser doesn't see the initial PKTs that traditional FTN mailers transmit... if the mailers did do this, they would have to support all PKT types and they would end up all using the best one (Type 2+?)... then they still need to communicate that back to the tosser... for non-traditional mailers used in FTNs, the tosser would have to have some method of communicating with other tossers and/or mailers in a non-interactive way...


ml>> ahhhhh... they were trying to watch out for the situation where a
ml>> traditional  FTN mailer's initial handshake pkt is a Type 2+ instead
ml>> of a Type 2 or Type  2.2... perhaps that distinction needs to be
ml>> added? once the mailers have done  their handshake they have no need
ml>> to look at the contents of any other PKTs  until possibly after the
ml>> transaction is complete and the connection  terminated...

SH> Yeah, but it's not the mailers that do the negotiation, it's the
SH> tossers/packers.

i don't see how they can do that without some sort of special PKTs addressed to the tosser where the tossers can communicate back and forth on their own similar to the way operators can send areafix messages to the tossers and the way that offline mail users can communicate with a BBS' offline mail service to add, remove or rest lastread pointers... that's an interesting idea (tossers talking to each other) that hasn't been seen anywhere AFAIK... traditional tossers won't be able to participate, though, since they do not have the ability to understand this new type of message...

ml>> true on the names in code but some will try to build their code
ml>> directly from  documentation... i don't know what names to give them,
ml>> really... for some  reason my code, as mentioned before, has qorgzone
ml>> and qdstzone as well as  origzone and destzone... funnily my Type 2
ml>> packet definition uses qorgzone and  qdstzone for those two fields
ml>> immediately following the password field...

SH> Well, they can use origZone_plus or origZ_plus or whatever.
SH> QOrgZone/QDstZone are used in FSC-0039 and FSC-0048, so you likely
SH> started with 2+ then added basic Type 2 support... keeping the same
SH> field names to avoid confusion.

i may very well have... Type 2+ is the first definition i have and then Type 2 and Type 2.2... for some reason i'm getting kicked by a neuron about a Type 2.0 format but i think that was just Type 2 with ".0" added similar to Type 2.2... i don't know of a Type 2.1...

ml>> that's possible and i tried to clarify that in the chart by using "up
ml>> to X+NUL"... brevity can be painful at times... let's see what it
ml>> looks like when  the updated version is posted...

SH> I do updates as I write replies... the latest version is always
SH> available at http://bbsdev.net/fsp/FSP-1040.txt if you want to read it
SH> before I next post the whole thing here.

:) that's ok, i can wait... i'd rather be able to point to certain things in the most recent posted as they progress... personally i think it is a good document so far... just a few tweaks here and there to enable it to stand closer to being on its own...

ml>> true that but there never should be a datetime with an invalid
ml>> length... having it listed in the fixed-length section should
ml>> reinforce that it is a fixed-length field of 19 chars plus a NUL...
ml>> it isn't like one can just use something like

SH> But having it listed as a NUL-terminated string whose length must be
SH> 19 leaves zero wiggle-room at all, which is why I defined it there.

ok :)


ml>> ahhh... hummm... so this is just the PKT formats and nothing about
ml>> their contents? if you've got the packed message header defined, you
ml>> really should include the packed message body in the definition,
ml>> too... while the packed message header is slightly different from a
ml>> traditional fido bbs MSG format message, the message body is still
ml>> unbounded in length and it should have a terminating NUL character...

SH> The MSG format is the most irritating thing about FSC-0001 since that
SH> document explicitly states "The application layer is outside the
SH> domain of a FidoNet standard".

true but they also defined the mailer comms protocol, too... back when this was done, they also specified the format of the messages... sure, maybe things should have been broken into individual documents but it does document how the original Fido BBS handled this stuff and that's what everything started off as...

SH> Anyway, the message body is defined as NUL terminated unlimited length
SH> and that's it.  Other standards already define control paragraphs, and
SH> the rest of the things that are defined are presentation details, not
SH> packing details.  No packer should need to worry about soft CRs for
SH> example.

true... i agree... FTS-0001 covers more than just mail packers, though...

SH>>> Yeah, the spec clearly states that the message body is NUL
SH>>> terminated. This is more of a warning to implementers.  I've added
SH>>> "Note that" to the beginning of the paragraph to highlight that new
SH>>> implementations should not do this.

ml>> i'm confused... the spec states that packed message bodies are
ml>> terminated by a  NUL but you're adding a "note that" new
ml>> implementations should /not/ do this???

SH> No, I'm adding a note that some implementations historically have not done
SH> it as follows:

SH>   Note that some old systems MAY terminate the message text with an EOF
SH>   (0x1A) or the literal end of the file.  Some even older systems MAY
SH>   terminate the message text with an empty line (0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A).
SH>   To detect this, software MAY use the NUL in the second byte of the Type
SH>   field to attempt to resynchronize.  It is up to the developer if this
SH>   needs to be supported.

ahhh... ok... that's better... thanks for the clarification :)


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... Tomato paste: what you use to fix broken tomatoes.
* Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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