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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Aug 24 00:39:47, всего сообщений: 7127
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= Сообщение: 663 из 7127 ======================================= FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Roy Witt                         1:387/22           29 Nov 13 11:48:15
Кому : Dale Shipp                                          29 Nov 13 11:48:15
Тема : Intermail
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:387/22+5298d573
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:261/1466.0+52982134
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP437 ==================================

 Brer Dale Shipp wrote to Brer Michiel Van Der Vlist about Re: Intermail:

MVDV>> The mailer part is ignorant of how the sysop name is spelled. It
MVDV>> uses the node number and only the node numner to send the mail.


DS> But it has to get the node number from someplace.  That is what IE
DS> does as I said -- looks up the name in the nodelist and adds it to
DS> the message.

Along with the nodenumber, which is more important to a mailer than a
sysop's name.

Using GoldEd to write netmail, you have to enter the name in the TO: field
before GoldEd will use the nodelist to look up the node number. You can
enter a node number in the NN field 1st, but, it will not enter the sysop
name from that lookup...thus you'll be sending a netmail to an unknown

Of course the mailer won't care as it is embedded in the code to send
netmail to a node number and not a named sysop.

If one attempts to send netmail to Bjerk, GoldEd uses the nodelist to find
a surname that is close to it. i.e. GoldEd will stop on a surname that
begins with Bischoff and/or Blackburn, because there is no surname in the
nodelist that begins with Bj...if there were, then it would stop on the
first instance of Bj and you could then sort through the names until you
got to the sysop you want to send netmail. This also works the same in
echomail, but in the configs, I have "Y'all" configed as the first
recipient of a echomail msg. I could change that to Bjerk, but GoldEd
wouldn't find such a name in the nodelist.

         R\%/itt - K5RXT

 Reminder: "On Friday September 8th 2006, Mike Godwin's 16 year experiment
 was concluded and Godwin's Law was officially repealed by a MAJORITY vote
 among millions of individuals." http://repealgodwin.tripod.com/

--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-31012
--- D'Bridge 3.92
* Origin: Lone-Star Hub - Gulf Coast Distribution - USA (1:387/22)

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