on *15.01.22* at *11:11:01* You wrote in rea *FTSC_PUBLIC* to *Wilfred van Velzen* about *"Unix point?"*.
O> Wilfred wrote (2022-01-15):
WvV>> Hi mark,
WvV>> On 2022-01-14 18:23:42, you wrote to Tim Schattkowsky:
ml>>> ... i think this was some time after i had released a tool that was ml>>> capable of posting the entire nodelist of that time in one message... ml>>> yeah... IIRC it was over 2G in size :)
WvV>> You probably mean 2M ! It was never in the G size...
Which bringst me to the point that I simply do not understand the memory usage of certain kinds of applications nowadays. For some things like web browsers, it is at least obvious that there is potential to abuse a lot of memory. For others, like many simple business applications, I dont see any reason why something the would have easily fit a C64 nowadays instally to GBs on disk and requires GBs to operate.
Regards, Tim --- WinPoint 390.1 * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)