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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Aug 24 00:39:47, всего сообщений: 7127
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= Сообщение: 848 из 7127 ======================================= FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Vince Coen                       2:250/1            12 Dec 13 13:38:52
Кому : Kurt Weiske                                         12 Dec 13 13:38:52
Тема : Looking for FTSC docs online
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:250/1@fidonet+52a9bd46
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2646.ftscpubl@1:218/700+170ddb60
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: UTF-8 ==================================
Hello Kurt!

Wednesday December 11 2013 09:04, you wrote to All:

> My files area is pretty messy; I was hoping someone had all of the
> FTSC docs available on the web with a FILES.BBS file w/ descriptions?

> I'd like to grab a current list of files and upload them to my BBS.

My list of similar files:

FRL-1003.003 [31] The Distributed Nodelist (was: FTS-0005.003)
FRL-1004.002 [34] Timezone information in FTN messages (was: FSP-1001.002)
FRL-1005.001 [35] Via kludge specification (was: FSP-1010.001)
FRL-1006.001 [49] Binkp - a protocol for transferring FidoNet mail over
reliable connections
FRL-1007.001 [37] Numeric reply indication in FTN subject lines
FRL-1008.001 [31] Kludge for specifying addition e-mail reply addresses
FRL-1009.001 [37] Multiple recipient address specification to gateway
FRL-1010.001 [31] New control lines for forwarded messages
FRL-1011.001 [34] Year 2000 issues in FTN software
FRL-1012.001 [37] Moderating by Voting echomail distribution system
FRL-1013.001 [34] Binkp optional protocol extension Multiple Password
FRL-1014.001 [35] Hudson Message Base (HMB) locking semantics
FRL-1015.001 [47] Zone 2 nodelist flags
FRL-1016.001 [33] Integration of IP-Nodes in the nodelist
FRL-1017.001 [35] The ICM flag
FRL-1018.001 [32] Binkp/1.0 optional protocol extension Multiple Batch
FRL-1019.001 [30] IPv6 colon substitution in the nodelist
FRL-1020.001 [13] Character set definition
FRL-1021.001 [13] Unicode character set in FidoNet messages
FRL-1026.001 [10] Translation of a Fidonet address into an internet domain
FRL-1026.002 [9] Translation of a Fidonet address into an internet domain name
FRL-1035.001 [9] DNS Distributed Nodelist
FRL-1036.001 [8] IPv6 numbers in the nodelist
FSC-0023.ZIP [4] Bundle naming convention proposal, R Meyer
FSC-0024.ZIP [4] Binary bundle proposal, O McDonald
FSC-0028.ZIP [4] Proposed file-forwarding standard, H Lee
FSC-0031.ZIP [4] Proposed message id/linkage standard
FSC-0032.ZIP [4] Proposed message quoting standard, M
FSC-0034.ZIP [4] Proposal for message identification, T Kover
FSC-0035.ZIP [4] Transparent gateways to/from FidoNet, M
FSC-0036.ZIP [4] Group Mail specification, D Lovell
FSC-0039.ZIP [4] Type 2+ Packet proposal - Mark Howard
FSC-0042.ZIP [4] A modified gateway agreement, S Furber
FSC-0043.ZIP [4] Hints on recognizing control lines in Fidonet
FSC-0045.ZIP [4] Proposed new packet header, T Henderson
FSC-0046.Z05 [35] List of used product identifiers.
FSC-0062.Z02 [34] Proposed nodelist flag indicating Nodes on-off times.
FSC-0079.Z02 [34] RTF Mail: message formatting in Type-2 message packet -
FSC-0082.Z01 [36] Proposed new packet type, S Slabihoud
FSC-0083.Z01 [37] Proposed standard for message IDS on FTN systems J de Boyne
FSC-0084.Z01 [35] EDX1: Electronic Data Exchange standard level 1, D Bider
FSC-0085.Z01 [37] Proposal for "NOZIP" and "ERX" nodelist flags, D Bider
FSC-0086.Z01 [35] SRIF: Description of new Standard Requestion Information
FSC-0087.Z01 [35] File forwarding in FidoNet technology networks, R Williamson
FSC-0088.Z01 [36] Compatibility & Link Qualifier Extensions for EMSI sessions,
FSC-0089.Z01 [35] The INTL: netmail addressing control line, R Williamson
FSC-0090.Z01 [38] FTSC Product Codes and Application Form, D Nugen
FSP-1013.Z01 [36] Character set definition in Fidonet messages
FSP-1016.003 [37] Automatic configuration of Points in FidoNet
FSP-1020.001 [35] Binkp optional protocol extension CRC Checksum.
FSP-1024.000 [34] Binkp/1.1 protocol specification
FSP-1025.001 [36] IPv6 colon substitution in the nodelist.
FSP-1026.002 [33] Translation of a Fidonet Address into an Internet Domain
FSP-1028.002 [35] FTN Address Format
FSP-1029.001 [31] Serial number allocation in Mesage IDs
FSP-1029.002 [31] Serial number allocation in Message IDs
FSP-1030.002 [34] Unicode character set in FidoNet messages
FSP-1032.001 [35] Binkp optional protocol extension Dataframe Compression
FSP-1034.001 [33] Advanced BinkleyTerm Style Outbound flow and control files
FSP-1035.002 [18] DNS Distributed Nodelist
FSP-1038.001 [1] The INO4 Flag
FTA-1000.Z02 [36] FTSC Charter
FTA-1001.006 [32] FTSC Operations
FTA-1001.007 [13] FTSC Operations
FTA-1002.Z02 [36] FTSC Document Submission and Publication Standar
FTA-1003.013 [34] FTSC Membership list
FTA-1003.015 [19] FTSC Membership list
FTA-1003.017 [16] FTSC membership list
FTA-1003.018 [9] FTSC Membership List
FTA-1003.019 [1] FTSC Membership list
FTA-1004.009 [1] FTSC file list
FTS-0001.ZIP [4] A basic FidoNet(r) technical standard, R Bush
FTS-0004.ZIP [4] Echomail specification, B Hartman
FTS-0006.ZIP [4] YOOHOO and YOOHOO/2U2, V Perriello
FTS-0007.ZIP [4] SEALink protocol extension, P Becker
FTS-0008.ZIP [4] Bark file-requests protocol extension, P Becker
FTS-0009.ZIP [4] Message identification and reply linkage, jnutt
FTS-1024.001 [32] Raw ifcico mail transfer protocol
FTS-1025.001 [32] Simple E-Mail Attach Transport (S.E.A.T.)
FTS-1026.001 [35] Binkp/1.0 Protocol specification
FTS-1027.001 [32] Binkp/1.0 optional protocol extension CRAM
FTS-1028.001 [33] Binkp protocol extension Non-reliable Mode
FTS-1029.001 [33] Binkp optional protocol extension Dataframe Compression
FTS-4008.002 [33] Time zone information (TZUTC)
FTS-4009.001 [34] Netmail tracking (Via)
FTS-5000.002 [34] The Distribution Nodelist
FTS-5000.004 [9] The Distribution Nodelist
FTS-5001.002 [32] Nodelist flags and userflags
FTS-5001.004 [6] Nodelist flags and userflags
FTS-5003.001 [13] Character set definition
FTS-5004.001 [9] DNS Distributed Nodelist
FTS-LIST.ZIP [4] FTSC standards descriptions
FTSCPROD.011 [33] FTSC product codes
FTSCPROD.012 [21] FTSC Product list
FTSCPROD.013 [10] ftsc product codes
FTSCPROD.014 [1] FTSC file list
FTSCPROD.015 [1] FTSC product list
POLICY4.ZIP  [4] Policy 4.06 from the USA. (now in effect)


--- Linux/Mbse/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20120229
* Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK (2:250/1)

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