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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Jul 24 00:39:40, всего сообщений: 7125
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= Сообщение: 3488 из 7125 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Henri Derksen                    2:280/1208         29 Nov 17 14:40:00
Кому : Ward Dossche                                        29 Nov 17 14:40:00
Тема : Test, sorry.
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/1208@FidoNet+a68e7325
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:292/854+a4044735
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:5020/545+5a1fb2f8
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:154/10+5a1fc431
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:250/1@fidonet+5a21f384
Hello Ward,

HD> Forgive me if I forget some method ;-).

WD> Using carrier pidgeons.

There was a FTSC document for is not it?

WD> Putting the messqge on a USB stick. Driving to where the sysop lives,
WD> deliver the USB-stick, waiting for answer while the sysop reads it.
WD> Sysop reads message and writes answer, puts answer to USB-stick. Sysop
Wd> hands over USB-stick. Drive home 2500 miles, put USB-stick in PC, read
Wd> answer.

You forget simpel good old 5,25" and 3,5" floppy diskettes.
I donot have USB on my 80486DX UniCorn BBS machine.

But instead of driving 2500 Miles,
the sysop can send the diskettes by airmail or landpost, sometimes seapost.
Here in NL many years ago we had sometime a modemless point exchanging mail
by diskette for some months, because he studied in another city then where his parents lived. His boss had his BBSystem in the same study town.

Nowadays you could also use a drone as a transport method.
The only problem is the battery capacity for a given distance.
You could see that as a mechanical carrier pidgeon ;-).

Greetings from Henri.

* Origin: Connectivity is the Future; UniCorn BBS 31 26 4425506 (2:280/1208)

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