= Сообщение: 6126 из 7128 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC = От : Wilfred van Velzen 2:280/464 21 Feb 22 20:54:55 Кому : August Abolins 21 Feb 22 20:54:55 Тема : Re: 2022 FTSC Standing Member Election - Eligibility of Tim Schattkow FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/464+6213ef23 На : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:221/1.58@fidonet+f9a55c90 = Кодировка сообщения определена как: UTF-8 ================================== Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:292/854+1a19504d ============================================================================== Hi August,
On 2022-02-21 12:29:00, you wrote to me:
RS>>> I think some of us are taking this just a bit too seriously.
WvV>> Indeed, why have this yearly election circus, with rules and WvV>> nominations, when every candidate always gets elected anyway. It WvV>> would be simpler and save everybody a lot of time if any volunteer WvV>> just would get accepted...
AA> Why can't the membership/club be dynamic? Accept people as they AA> become available and let them go when circumstances arise?
Sounds good to me...
AA> Who came up with "the rules?"? Do the rules say thou must not AA> EVER change the rules?
Where the actual election rules come from I don't know, they are probably copied from previous elections by the FTSC chair person...
AA> Sounds like Tim would be a wonderful asset.
Sure, but he doesn't qualify according to the current rules.
AA> The opportunity is now. Next year may be too late.
If it is that time critical he wouldn't be a good member. The election is for a 2 year period as member!
AA> There seems to be more documentation and effort in the voting AA> process for members than the actual ftsc activity.
Unfortunately you seem to be right, but we don't know what is going on in the private FTSC conversations. But the result in documentation is minimal...
Bye, Wilfred.
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