On Thursday November 28 2013 00:00, you wrote to me:
MVDV>> softeware that uses the nodelist for this purpose is totally MVDV>> ignorant of what is in the sysop name field or the field for the MVDV>> location.
DS> Nope.
Yope. You left out the first part of the paragraph. The part that deoted the "this":
The primary function of the nodelist is to tell Fidonet mailers how to connect to other nodes. TTBOMK all my softeware that uses the nodelist for this purpose
The mailer part is ignorant of how the sysop name is spelled. It uses the node number and only the node numner to send the mail.
MVDV>> That's one. My POTS mailer - InterMail - is still up and
DS> I also have IM and IE on my system. When I use IE to compose a DS> netmail,
That is an editor, ot a mailer.
DS> I type in the name and it looks up that name in the nodelist DS> to find the relevant address. Hence, the correct spelling of the DS> sysop name is essential.
1) I have used IE myself. A long time ago. I dumped it for a varitey of reasons, but what I remember is that it acts the same as Golded; it does a "best match". So correct spelling is not essantial.
2) Even if exact spelling would be required for a nodelist lookup, it still makes no diference if the nodelist says "Björk", "Bjerk" or "Bjark". As long as YOU, the user types it correctly according to the nodelist.