ml> they do when not all of the nodelists exist there...
"Lie" is too strong a word. The information may be incomplete, but what is given out is considered correct.
ml> then there's also the time when it would take months for Z2 to pick up ml> and apply Z1 nodelist updates... like the system i was first involved ml> with... according to the archives of Z2 nodelists, it wasn't listed ml> until months and months
In the early days of Fidonet such extremes may have been common. By 1997 these problems were mostly ironed out and delays between zones were limited to two weeks at most.
The nodelist archives show that I was listed as a node on 1997-06-27. One could interpret that as "not later than 1997-06-27". If Maurice has evidence to show he was listed as a Fidonet node before that, he is welcome to produce that evidence.
ml> so please, let's not try to measure penises by using a flawed nodelist ml> archive as the measuring stick, ok? ;)
The nodelist archive is not flawed, it may be incomplete, but what is there is considered correct.
On second thougts, instead of first producing evidence myself, I should simply have asked Maurice to provide his evidence to support his claim that he was the first to operate an utf-8 capable Fdionet /NODE/. After all, the burden of proof rests on the one making the claim.
Or maybe even better, I should just have ignored him...