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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Jul 24 00:39:40, всего сообщений: 7125
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= Сообщение: 3357 из 7125 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Ward Dossche                     2:292/854          14 Nov 17 21:29:49
Кому : Alexey Vissarionov                                  14 Nov 17 21:29:49
Тема : Re: FTSC participation
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:292/854+a4077164
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:5020/545+5a006edd
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: WINDOWS-1252 ===========================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:132/174+5a0b2242
AV>FR> What I would like to see (from Michiel, the moderator) is a report
AV>FR> of the candidates who are currently on the FTSC and the number of
AV>FR> messages they have posted in the private echo, so we can see who is
AV>FR> participating, and who is just sitting on their hands. I think an
AV>FR> appropriate time frame would be 2 years (the length of their last
AV>FR> term).
AV> I like this idea - that would show up both the dead souls and
AV> chatterboxers.
AV> Per-month statistics would be even better for that purpose.
Here you go ...
From Oct.1st 2015 through now
There are 23 users who wrote a message.
Top 23 of the writers.
                               Total           Total   Average    Quote
  Name                         Msgs:  Pct.     Bytes   Byte/Msg   Ratio:
  ----                         -----  -----   ------   --------   ------
  1. Michiel van der Vlist      310   34.3%   811913     2619     17.45% **
  2. mark lewis                 155   17.2%   198715     1282     48.42%
  3. Fred Riccio                 82    9.1%   131569     1605     23.44%
  4. Carol Shenkenberger         67    7.4%    57405      857     49.30%
  5. Markus Reschke              58    6.4%    35514      612     46.39% **
  6. Alexey Vissarionov          43    4.8%    52198     1214     44.47% **
  7. Andrew Leary                42    4.7%    79147     1884     82.68%
  8. Bj"rn Felten                26    2.9%    10666      410     45.19% **
  9. FTSC File Distribution      25    2.8%    13379      535      0.00%
 10. Richard Menedetter          18    2.0%    10652      592     39.33%
 11. Janis Kracht                15    1.7%    14678      979     42.03%
 12. andrew clarke               14    1.6%     5609      401     14.24%
 13. Nicholas Boel               11    1.2%     7080      644     25.58%
 14. Ward Dossche                 9    1.0%     3749      417     28.95%
 15. Björn Felten                 9    1.0%     1985      221     50.96% **
 16. Dallas Hinton                8    0.9%     2859      357     39.68% **
 17. Mark Hofmann                 3    0.3%     1012      337     21.80% **
 18. Ivan Agarkov                 2    0.2%      738      369     22.83%
 19. RJ Clay                      2    0.2%      527      264     58.85% **
 20. Election Coordinator         1    0.1%     1869     1869      0.00%
 21. Stas Degteff                 1    0.1%      801      801     44.76%
 22. Jeff Smith                   1    0.1%      117      117     22.39%
 23. D'Bridge                     1    0.1%        6        6      0.00%
** Means "up for election" and "accepted nomination"
First, "FTSC File Distribution", "Election Coordinator"; "D'Bridge",
"Janis Kracht", "Ward Dossche", "Fred Riccio", "Andrew Clarke", "Ivan Agarkov", "Stas Degteff" and "Jeff Smith" are not to be considered. They're technical names, invited guests or 2016 outgoing members.
Second conclusion, it matters how Bjorn writes his name.
Third, the 2 messages by RJ Clay are his recent acceptance of his nomination and then some comment. Other than that nutt'n . . . for 2 years.
Mark Hofmann's 3 interventions were completely not FTSC-related and date from a year back.
Everybody can deal with these facts as he/she sees fit.

--- D'Bridge 3.99
* Origin: I will always keep a PC running WinXP (2:292/854)

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