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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Aug 24 00:39:47, всего сообщений: 7127
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= Сообщение: 3097 из 7127 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Bill McGarrity                   1:266/404          07 Nov 17 06:26:11
Кому : Ian Segers                                          07 Nov 17 06:26:11
Тема : Re: Binkd errors
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=3721.2ftscpubl@1:266/404+1b547fae
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=452.fidonet_syncsyso@3:770/330+1b543f96
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
-=> Ian Segers wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-

BM> OK, seems as if you and Paul have an issue with the z21 nodes.  Make
BM> sure you have your z21 listed in the binkd.cfg under ADDRESS.

IS> domain fidonet.org alias-for fidonet
IS> domain fidonet.net alias-for fidonet
IS> domain whispnet.* alias-for whispernet
IS> domain league10.* alias-for league10
IS> domain fsxnet.* alias-for fsxnet

IS> address 3:770/330.0@fidonet
IS> address 316:64/1.0@whispnet
IS> address 21:1/115@fsxnet     <--- make this 21:1.115.0@fsxnet
IS> address 10:10/116.0@league10

IS> node 1:340/400@fidonet -md time.synchro.net password c
IS> #node 10:10/1@league10 -md time.synchro.net password c
IS> #node 316:77/1@whispnet -md time.synchro.net password c
IS> node 21:1/100@fsxnet -md agency.bbs.geek.nz:24556 password c
IS> node 3:770/1@fidonet -md agency.bbs.geek.nz:24554 password c

BM> one other thing. In the cfg, where you have DOMAIN and the path to the
BM> folders... I tihnk I sent you over one with all "1's" at the end.
BM> Change that to "3" less quotes and delete OUTBOUND.003.  Your regular
BM> outbound will now be for Z3 and a new OUTBOUND.001 will be created.

IS> Okay I changed them from outbound 1 to outbound 3

Great.  You should now have the following "outbound" folders..


IS>   20 Mar 11:07:15 [7920] session closed, quitting...
IS>   20 Mar 11:07:16 [2052] trying time.synchro.net []...
IS>   20 Mar 11:07:16 [2052] connected
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:16 [2052] outgoing session with time.synchro.net:24554
IS> []
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:16 [2052] OPT LST UTF
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] OPT CRAM-MD5-f6bb3323b3e6dedd1cc27c6f7f52f6c9
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] Remote requests MD mode
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] SYS Time Warp of the Future BBS, TCP/IP 1
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] ZYZ Robert E Starr JR
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] LOC Cougar, WA.  USA
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] PHN time.synchro.net
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] NDL
IS> [2052] TIME Sat, 19 Mar 2016 22:07:42 -0700 + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052]
IS> addr: 1:340/0@fidonet + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 1:340/400@fidonet
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 10:10/1@league10.org (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 10:10/0@league10.org (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 45:45/2@beerme (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 201:1000/3@dbnet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 11:11/1@othernet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 618:300/12@micronet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 316:77/1@whispernet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 24:140/0@sportnet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 24:140/1@sportnet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] addr: 24:140/2@sportnet (n/a or busy)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:17 [2052] pwd protected session (MD5)
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:18 [2052] TRF 0 4555
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:18 [2052] Remote has 0b of mail and 4555b of files for
IS> us - 20 Mar 11:07:18 [2052] remote is in NR mode
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:18 [2052] have 0 byte(s) of fe520046.SA0
IS> - 20 Mar 11:07:18 [2052] receiving fe520046.SA0 (4555 byte(s), off 0)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] fe520046.SA0 ->
IS> D:\bbs\fd\secfiles\fe520046.SA0
IS>   20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] got *.sa?, delayed creating
IS> D:\bbs\sbbs\data\fidoin.now
IS>   20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] got *.SA?, delayed creating
IS> D:\bbs\sbbs\data\fidoin.now
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] rcvd: fe520046.SA0 (4555, 4555.00 CPS,
IS> 1:340/0@fidonet)
IS> + 20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] done (to 1:340/400@fidonet, OK, S/R: 0/1
IS> (0/4555 bytes))
IS>   20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] Creating D:\bbs\sbbs\data\fidoin.now
IS>   20 Mar 11:07:19 [2052] session closed, quitting...
IS> ? 20 Mar 11:08:11 [8136] Interrupted by keyboard
IS>   20 Mar 11:08:11 [6456] downing servmgr...

BM> OK... seems as if this connection worked.  When it created the
BM> fidoin.now file, did sbbsecho toss the pkt?  Look at your sbbsecho.log
BM> file to see. Compare date/time.

IS>     Yes it does toss the packet which is good


BM> I am assuming you got the binkd.txt file for the list of nodes?

IS>   well yes an old one that I added my address in but will ask rob to
IS>   send me one weekly


IS>  If not, let me know and I
BM> will.

IS> Okay will do


IS> at this point fidonet 1:340/400 in now working okay sending and
IS> receiving which is good.

IS> but just having trouble with fsxnet + with all other add address.
IS> fsxnet used 24556 port

When it tries to poll 21:1/100 does it show in the logs it's using 24556
somethng like this:

outgoing session with agency.bbs.geek.nz:24556

IS> when I run the binkp what command do I use

IS> binkd -c binkd.cfg (client only)
IS> or

IS> binkd -c binkd.cfg (run server)

I created a shortcut for the binkd.exe and dragged it to my "Startup" folder.
Once it's there, goto Properties. Start in folder should be the folder you have
the binkd.exe in.  Target is: <path of binkd folder>\binkd.exe -C binkd.cfg
(make sure you use the CAP C.)

That should do it. Now when you reboot it will start automatically and when the
CFG file chages for any reason, it will update automatically.


IS> ... http://www.1stchoicecore.co.nz...drop in same time
IS> === MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
IS> --- SBBSecho 2.33-Win32
IS>  * Origin: 1st Choice Core Nz (3:770/330)



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--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50
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