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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Aug 24 00:39:47, всего сообщений: 7127
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= Сообщение: 3133 из 7127 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Bill McGarrity                   1:266/404          07 Nov 17 06:26:11
Кому : Joe Delahaye                                        07 Nov 17 06:26:11
Тема : Re: Packet PW
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=4293.2ftscpubl@1:266/404+1b8e519f
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=37145.sync_sys@1:103/705+1b8eace5
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
-=> Joe Delahaye wrote to All <=-

JD> I have not seen it referred to, so I am wondering.  Since shortly after
JD> the upgrade to sbbsecho.v3, I had one node not tossing mail all of a
JD> sudden. Looking at the log files, there was an entry for a pcket PW
JD> missing.  Found "" expected Password.  I never had a packet PW with
JD> this node. He does not have one configured for me either.  Yesterday
JD> another contact the same.  No Packet Pw configured ever, and yet it
JD> requires one now.  It just occurred to me that both these links are
JD> running the same mailer software, one of them is the author of DB, but
JD> I have other links also running DB, and so far no problem with them

JD> To be precise, it is the session PW that is now required as the Packet
JD> PW as well for some reason.

That was my issue with Robert Starr.  We'd connect with session pw... but
sbbsecho was saying the pkt's were bad due to a missing pkt password.  I never
had one for Robert although he swears we did.  I wasn't going to argue over it
so I just added the one he was sending over to my sbbsecho.ini.

Here are my logs...

2016-04-12 22:18:57 Importing (secure) 12192104.pkt (Type 2+) from 316:77/1
2016-04-12 22:18:57 Imported:     1 msgs        3whispern <- WHISPERNET_ADMIN
2016-04-12 22:18:57 Imported:     1 msgs total in 0.0 sec (3157.9/min 52.6/sec)

Now the following day...

2016-04-13 01:46:53 Packet c:\fd\secure\12224859.pkt from 316:77/1 - Incorrect
password ('??????' instead of '')
2016-04-13 01:46:53 Bad packet detected: c:\fd\secure\12224859.pkt

That's a difference of 4 hours and I'll bet between those times is when Robert
updated to v3.

This went on till I noticed the bad pkts in my inbound.  Once I added the PKT
pw, I renamed all the BAD pkts and sbbsecho imported them.  Took me a week to
find it.. lol...

2016-04-20 10:55:09 Importing c:\fd\secure\19090240.pkt (Type 2+, 1.6KB) from
316:77/1 to 316:973/2
2016-04-20 10:55:09 Importing c:\fd\secure\19090721.pkt (Type 2+, 2.9KB) from
316:77/1 to 316:973/2
2016-04-20 10:55:09 Importing c:\fd\secure\19093025.pkt (Type 2+, 2.1KB) from
316:77/1 to 316:973/2
2016-04-20 10:55:09 Importing c:\fd\secure\19204934.pkt (Type 2+, 5.1KB) from
316:77/1 to 316:973/2
2016-04-20 10:55:09 Importing c:\fd\secure\19213626.pkt (Type 2+, 0.8KB) from
316:77/1 to 316:973/2
2016-04-20 10:55:09 Importing c:\fd\secure\19220815.pkt (Type 2+, 1.2KB) from
316:77/1 to 316:973/2

I also noticed a "Comment" was added in the form of the AREAFIX password we

Just some thoughts...



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--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50
* Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)

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