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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Apr 24 01:17:44, всего сообщений: 7124
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= Сообщение: 1954 из 7124 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Stephen Hurd                     1:103/1            27 Feb 16 23:11:10
Кому : mark lewis                                          27 Feb 16 23:11:10
Тема : FSP-1040.001 draft 0
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=56.fido-ftscpubl@1:103/1+1b376346
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:3634/12.73+56d1ef32
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:3634/12.73+56d31d05
  Re: FSP-1040.001 draft 0
  By: mark lewis to Stephen Hurd on Sat Feb 27 2016 01:47 pm

> s/"original" packet/"original" Type 2 packet/


> s/packet message/packed message/


>  SH> | Type     | 18     | 2     | Int16 | MUST have a value of 2        |
> this one is pktver... having a 2 means that it is one of the type 2
> formats...  if there's a 3 then it is a type 3 packet... a 5 would be a type
> 5 packet...  the idea of the fixed header was so that software could at
> least read this one  byte and know if they could possibly handle the pkt or
> not...

This is why I named this field as "Type". something with a "2" in the Type
field is a "Type 2" packet.  It has no name in FTS-0001, and discussions of
types generally talk about "Type X" where X matches the value in this field.

I would like more discussion on this before renaming it to something less
obvious just for the purposes of retaining the same name the extension
proposals used.

>  SH> | password | 26     | 8     | Str   | Packet password, NUL padded   |
> str is incorrect for this field... it is a nul padded 8 byte array of
> characters... str indicates either an ending nul or a leading length byte...

That's some internal representations of a string, a string is simply a sequence
of characters.  An array is a set of distinct values... while strings may be
implemented as arrays in some languages, they two aren't interchangable and the
password is a string.

> same thing for fill... it is a nul padded 20 byte array of characters...

This one makes more sense.  I've changed the type on the fill fields to

>  SH>   This "Capability Word" feature is not specified in this document.
> not mentioned in this document? which document? it is definitely mentioned
> in  this one we're reviewing right now ;)

Not *specified* in this document.  The RFC-822 and different packet types as
well as how to negotiate the highest packet type is not specified, only a
single bit of the value is specified.

>  SH>   put the net number in this field.  In the case where the originating
>  SH>   net is 65535 (As recommended by Policy 4), it SHOULD be placed in
>  SH>   both origNet and auxNet.
> where is this recommendation by P4? why are political documents being
> referenced in a technical document?

"If your software is capable of using address -1/-1, this is the traditional
address used by potential sysops."

The reason it's referenced is because this ends up being a special case of
65535 not indicating a point being used.  I've never encountered any other use
of a net of 65535.

> aside from that, it doesn't make sense as to why software should do this
> when  the original fields are specifically there to hold this data... the

The reason for this is in FSC-0048:

     2. Although  FSC-0039 provides a way to make packet headers  4D
        it  is not backwards compatible.  It cannot be used in  FTS-
        0001 sessions to unknown systems,  making FidoNet still  not
        totally 4D capable.  Although it implements fields for  zone
        and point number,  an FTS-0001 compliant application is  not
        required to look at these fields.  When a point mails  using
        these  fields  to implement its 4D address,  a  system  only
        looking  at the net/node info,  as is required by  FTS-0001,
        still sees it as a boss node, causing the obvious problems.

> since these two are the preferred, rename the other two and leave these as
> OrigZone and DestZone.. especially to avoid possible confusion with "Z2"
> meaning "zone 2"... ya never know what new budding programmers or average
> joes  may be reading to learn about the intracasies of FTN stuffs... in my
> code, i  actually have the other two named qorgzone and qdstzone... the 'q'
> being  significant for some old piece of software but i don't recall which
> one...

The "Z2" part makes sense... how about "origZ+" (the names do not need to be
used in code).

Since this FSP defines packets in terms of a Type 2 packet, keeping the Type 2
fields fixed was something I worked hard to do.  I think the name should
highlight that this is a Type 2+ extension.

> pedantic: s/type two packet/type 2 packet/


> probably should also standardize on "Type" being capatilized, too... Type 2,
> Type 2+, Type 2.2...


> i've never heard it expressed in this manner... specifically the
> "variable-length header" part... that section should be better indicate
> below  as you have done with the fixed-length header here... see below...

The beginner programmer bit strikes again... it would be easy to think that the
other fields could be NUL-padded.

>      | datetime  | 14     | 20    | array | 19 chars + NUL; see notes    |

I agonized on putting the datetime in the fixed length vs. the variable length
part.  Basically, the difference between the two is how a processor would
handle a datetime with an invalid length.  If it's a fixed field, using an
18-byte string with two NULs at the end is implicitly valid, so I put it in the
variable length part.  I'm not really married to this decision, but I think it
needs more discussion.

>  | toUserName   | array | up to 36+NUL | MUST be NUL terminated          |

No matter how you clise it, these are strings.

> then follow with something like
> the message body is unbounded. that means that it is not limited in size by
> this specification. the message body should be composed of paragraphs
> terminated by 0x0d. there should not be any line breaks attempting to limit
> the length of the lines in a paragraph. display of the paragraph is handled
> by the  terminal and it should deal with the wrapping of paragraph lines
> according to  its view port on the client's display.

I felt that this was outside the scope of a definition of the packet format,
and more suited to a separate document for the message body format.  I almost
left the packet message format out for the same reason.

>  SH>   The lengths above do NOT include the NUL terminator.
> shouldn't need this line with the above chart...

Never hurts to be explicit.

> there can be 61 seconds on the day when a lead-second is added... not
> allowing  for that can cause problems with some software depending on what
> they do with  the time fields...

Right, but the numbers are 0-60, not 1-61.  Done.

> these are the only two formats that i've ever seen... the seadog format
> comes  from the C ISO time format stuff, IIRC... it has a non-zero-padded
> day of month
> but the time is zero-padded but only hours and minutes... the other (more
> popular) format dropped the day of week and added a colon plus the seconds
> to  the time portion... that took care of the three characters the day of
> week  used... it had to leave the extra space that trailed the removed day
> of week to maintain the field length so it moved that space and added it
> between the two  digit year and the hour for two spaces in that position...

I'm not sure what change you're suggesting here.

>  SH>   Some old systems MAY terminate the message text with an EOF (0x1A)
> or they just terminate the file with no EOF character...


> between messages there should be at least one NUL... message bodies are
> unbounded in length but they SHOULD be NUL terminated by the existing

Yeah, the spec clearly states that the message body is NUL terminated.  This is
more of a warning to implementers.  I've added "Note that" to the beginning of
the paragraph to highlight that new implementations should not do this.

> over all, excellent work gathering this all together and presenting it like
> this... i hope you take my comments in the manner they are intended :)

I was implementing a packet processor/generator, so it made sense to document
it all while I was working on it.  :-)
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