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= Сообщение: 2949 из 7125 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Bill McGarrity                   1:266/404          24 Jan 17 23:15:00
Кому : Jeff Smith                                          24 Jan 17 23:15:00
Тема : Re: Bash file issues...
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=6353.2ftscpubl@1:266/404+1ced781c
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:282/1031.0+23d89a1c
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
HIya Jeff..

-=> Jeff Smith wrote to Bill Mcgarrity <=-

> I have a Raspberry Pi that I'm trying to setup an incoming bash file to
> toss incoming mail and also to run htick for any tic files.  This is what
> I have now...

> #/bin/bash/inmail.sh
> SBBSCTRL=/home/pi/sbbs/ctrl/sbbs.ini

JS> [...]

> export SBBSCTRL=/home/pi/sbbs/ctrl

JS> [...]

> Why if I'm telling it where the SBBSCRTL is and I getting the enviorment
> notset in the bash file?

JS> First thing I see is a difference in the SBBSCTRL statements used.

Well, all I added was the actual file it was looking for... either way, it
still doesn't work

JS> Here I use "SBBSCTRL=/home/sbbs/ctrl" But in the home directory of the
JS> user the BBS will be running as you could edit the file named either
JS> .profile or .bash_profile depending on if you're running bash or sh and
JS> add the line:

JS> SBBSCTRL=/home/sbbs/ctrl && export SBBSCTRL

JS> In the above statement replace "/home/sbbs/ctrl" with the full path to
JS> your SBBS ctrl directory.

I've added the above statement to the ../pi/.profile and created a file
../pi/.bash_profile and still no luck.  I also have those statements in the
root /etc/profile.

JS> And regarding the BASH statement that you are using. Here I simply use
JS> "#!/bin/bash" as the first line of a bash script.

I changed that...

the script I created is named "inmail.sh".  With that being said I would have
thought the ../pi/.profile would have worked but I added both none the less.
My concern is when I run ./sbbsecho at a command prompt
"pi@raspberry:~/sbbs/exec" it works fine... yet, when I try and start the bbs
with "./sbbs", it won't start unless I put the path and sbbs.ini filename also.
Some see the ctrl directory, some don't. :(

This almost has me bald... lol!!
JS> Jeff

JS> --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
JS>  * Origin: The OuijaBoard - Anoka, MN  (1:282/1031)



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