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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Aug 24 00:39:47, всего сообщений: 7127
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= Сообщение: 2977 из 7127 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Bill McGarrity                   1:266/404          22 Feb 17 14:39:00
Кому : Accession                                           22 Feb 17 14:39:00
Тема : Error 13 when packing a bundle.
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=6530.2ftscpubl@1:266/404+1d134e13
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=723:1/1+58acecb5
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
-=> Accession wrote to Bill McGarrity on 02-21-17 19:30 <=-

Ac> On Tue Feb 21 2017 19:45:36, Bill McGarrity wrote to Accession:

Ac>> Then check the permissions on 00960001.hlo specifically. You may
Ac>> need to use chown to change the permissions of that file so that
Ac>> it will continue. And with

BM> I ahve, and it's read only. The problem is when the node licks the
BM> mail up it's gone till the next time it's created.

Ac> So then the problem seems to be when the file is created. Is something
Ac> else touching that file besides sbbsecho?

Yes, but last night instead of the 5 or 6 errors I was getting, there was only
two so I isolated those and did a chmod as well.

Ac>> that said, you mentioned it seems to happen on locally imported
Ac>> messages with  smbutil. Make sure all of your scripts that use
Ac>> smbutil are executed by the  user you want these file permissions
Ac>> to be, or things will start going haywire.

BM> OK... I'm running the bash script we discussed a week or so under
BM> crontab. I would agree with your assesment as rar as root but why does
BM> it work for some zipped bundles and not others?  In the script I use
BM> chmod 777 to the .txt files created by perl so they have ALL access.

Ac> A crontab created by the specific user, and not root.. correct? Meaning
Ac> you did

Ac> "crontab -e" as the user you wish to run as (with no sudo).

Yes, no sudo. it's under Pi

Ac> Also, chmod only makes the file readable/writable/executable. It does
Ac> not set ownership. "chown" sets the user and group. You shouldn't
Ac> really need to chmod anything as sbbsecho creates the proper read/write
Ac> capabilities. However, you may need to "chown -R <user>.<group>
Ac> <directory>/*" if something is changing ownership.

OK.. let me check that tonight to see if there are any further issues.

Ac>> Looks like at some point something accessed 00960001.hlo and
Ac>> changed the permission. Did you accidentally run smbutil with
Ac>> root at one point when testing to see if it would work from the
Ac>> command line before setting a script  in motion?

Can't remember... :(

BM> Again, if that was the case smbutil being run as root, why would it
BM> not effect the other bundles being made to other nodes?

Ac> I'm not sure, unless something else is touching that specific file
Ac> aside from sbbsecho.

As I said, let's see what tonight brings then I'll try the chown command.  

BM> I'll do the ls -alh later and see what's going on.

Ac> If you do choose to continue to use chmod (aside from chown), you may
Ac> want to consider using either 666 (-rw-rw-rw-) = readable and writable
Ac> to all, 664 (-rw-rw-r--) = readable and writable for file owner and
Ac> group, and readable to everyone else, or even 660 (-rw-rw----) if you
Ac> want it for that specific user and group only. Your outbound
Ac> directory's contents do not need to be executable

Ac> (which the 7 adds).

I'll fine tune it once I get this issue resolved.  First play on the BIG field
then downsize.. LOL!!

Appreciate your help...



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