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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Aug 24 00:39:47, всего сообщений: 7127
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= Сообщение: 2979 из 7127 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Bill McGarrity                   1:266/404          22 Feb 17 20:15:00
Кому : Accession                                           22 Feb 17 20:15:00
Тема : Error 13 when packing a bundle.
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=6534.2ftscpubl@1:266/404+1d138a1a
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=723:1/1+58ae192e
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
-=> Accession wrote to Bill McGarrity on 02-22-17 16:53 <=-

Hiya Nick...

Ac> On Wed Feb 22 2017 14:39:00, Bill McGarrity wrote to Accession:

Ac>> So then the problem seems to be when the file is created. Is
Ac>> something else touching that file besides sbbsecho?

BM> Yes, but last night instead of the 5 or 6 errors I was getting, there
BM> was only two so I isolated those and did a chmod as well.

Ac> chmod most likely isn't needed at all, since sbbsecho creates those
Ac> files with workable permissions. It's most likely something being ran
Ac> (whether it be sbbsecho or smbutil) was accidentally used by root at
Ac> one point, or binkd was accidentally ran as root once or something..
Ac> but chown should probably fix this

Ac> at some point.

Ac> Unfortunately you'll probably have to go through and make sure your
Ac> entire sbbs

Ac> directory is owned by the "pi" user and whatever group it belongs to
Ac> for things

Ac> to work properly. Rather than looking everywhere with "ls -alh" you can
Ac> simply run "chown -R <user>.<group> /home/<user>/sbbs/*" without
Ac> quotes. If binkd is not under your sbbs heirarchy, you probably want to
Ac> do the same for that directory as well.

Ac>> A crontab created by the specific user, and not root.. correct?
Ac>> Meaning you did

Ac>> "crontab -e" as the user you wish to run as (with no sudo).

BM> Yes, no sudo. it's under Pi

Ac> I take it "Pi" is your user? Is that what you login with? Or is it
Ac> "alarmpi" or

Ac> "pi" or .. I'm not sure what your actual user is.

BM> OK.. let me check that tonight to see if there are any further issues.

Ac> Ok.

BM> I'll fine tune it once I get this issue resolved.  First play on the
BM> BIG field then downsize.. LOL!!

Ac> Permissions and ownership have always been a pain in the ass. I
Ac> eventually just

Ac> ran everything as root, since it's only a Rpi, and it only contains BBS
Ac> related

Ac> stuff. If some retard really wants to try to guess my (quite) long root
Ac> password, they can have at it. :)

BM> Appreciate your help...

Ac> No problemo. Besides the current development of software I use here,
Ac> this is one of the very few things keeping interest in the hobby these
Ac> days. :)

OK... I modified all scripts for now to do a chown as there were still some
bundles being created by sbbsecho as root.  I will see tonight once the cron

Isn't this fun!! lol!!

Thank God I still ahve a full head of hair...



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