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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 15 Jul 24 00:30:01, всего сообщений: 7126
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= Сообщение: 3013 из 7126 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Bill McGarrity                   1:266/404          29 Apr 17 02:18:00
Кому : Ray Quinn                                           29 Apr 17 02:18:00
Тема : Binkd File Request
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=6824.2ftscpubl@1:266/404+1d6983e8
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=39739.sync_sys@1:103/705+1d69f6f7
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
-=> Ray Quinn wrote to Bill McGarrity on 04-28-17 17:21 <=-

-=> Bill McGarrity wrote to Ray Quinn <=-

BM> If I'm not mistaken, FrontDoor has this option already.  I have a

RQ> I used FrontDoor during the 1990's and was very familiar with it. It
RQ> does, in fact, do file requests as does, Intermail, D'Bridge, and
RQ> others. However, these programs are DOS (I could run DOSEMU or DOSBOX),
RQ> and, I believe,  are also Arcmail Attach mailers, not BSO. A long time
RQ> ago, I treid Portal of Power but abandoned it as I wasn't familiar with
RQ> the BSO style outbound. I just downloaded it and it does BSO as well as
RQ> file requests. I would have to use DOSBOX to set it up and run the
RQ> mailer, but I would rather have a down and dirty quick program, script,
RQ> etc., to load up.

Oh... I thought you wanted it for windows not unix.  I am sure there is one for
that also if you search.  The scrippt I gave you could probably be transformed
into a bash.  

RQ> To use BASH or or another shell script would limit it's use by Windows
RQ> and DOS users. It would be nice if it was included with BINKD. For
RQ> example:

RQ> binkd -R 12:345/678 filename /path/to/binkd.conf

Go to the binkd echo and request it.

BM> It looks like it strips all the leading 0's so you'd have to make some
BM> changes so it give you the last four characters.

RQ> For me, it would be easier to create a BASH script and I am no
RQ> programmer, except for some very basic scripts. D'Bridge has DBUTIL
RQ> QNAME [address] but it puts it is a different format.

RQ> 1:214/22 translates to 00105Y.00M

Ahhh... I am not that familiar with Nick's program.

RQ> Thanks for the suggestion. It got me thinking about other programs I
RQ> have used.




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* Origin: TequilaMockingbird Online - Toms River, NJ (1:266/404)

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