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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции FTSC_PUBLIC с датами от 13 Sep 13 18:57:24 до 01 Apr 24 01:17:44, всего сообщений: 7124
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= Сообщение: 4914 из 7124 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Carol Shenkenberger              1:275/100          11 Nov 19 19:19:29
Кому : Dale Barnes                                         11 Nov 19 19:19:29
Тема : FTSC
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=7201.ftsc_pub@1:275/100+222f4cb2
На   : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=1:106/201+b38d925d
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
  Re: FTSC
  By: Dale Barnes to ALL on Thu Nov 07 2019 01:45 pm

> Thank you Sean for your feedback and involvement.
> So from a Fidonet standpoint, do we update the standards as to what is still
> REQUIRED to be in Fidonet from days past or do we start looking at updating
> documents to reflect what exists today and what we may be looking at moving
> forward?  Do we want to move forward with new ideas knowing this could break
> systems that exist today?
> But I am always willing to try and help but there are a large number of folk
> in this ECHO that have been active and around for much longer than I that co
> bring to the table much needed info and feedback.
> db

No problem Dale.  Generally the FTSC backs off on trying to 'force' any
upgrades to existing systems.  They can and have changed many issues but they
were generally in areas that didn't trip existing systems or zonal operations.
IE: something in wide use in one zone, when another didn't think it belonged
but the technical ability to implement it was also problematic.

What we do is document what people are doing and provide a place to make new
proposals so that others can implement them and see if they grow to a standard.

--- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
* Origin: SHENK'S EXPRESS telnet://shenks.synchro.net (1:275/100)

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