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= Сообщение: 1989 из 7127 ====================================== FTSC_PUBLIC =
От   : Stephen Hurd                     1:103/1            03 Mar 16 05:26:28
Кому : FTSC                                                03 Mar 16 05:26:28
Тема : FSP-1040.001 draft 1
FGHI : area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=92.fido-ftscpubl@1:103/1+1b3d0160
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Ответ: area://FTSC_PUBLIC?msgid=2:280/5555+570799ce

Publication:    FSP-1040 draft 1
Revision:       1
Title:          Packet Type 2 Compatible Formats
Author:         Stephen Hurd 1:103/1
Date:           2016-02-11

Status of this document

  This document is a Fidonet Standard Proposal (FSP), issued by Stephen
  Hurd for the benefit of the Fidonet community.

  This document specifies an optional Fidonet standard protocol for
  the Fidonet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for

  This document is released to the public domain, and may be used,
  copied or modified for any purpose whatever.

  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
  in this document are to be interpreted as described in FTA-1006.

  1. Fidonet Packets
  2. Original Type 2 Packet
  3. Type 2+ Packet
  4. Type 2.2 Packet
  5. Packed Message
  6. Comparison of Headers
  7. Bibliography


1. Fidonet Packets

  In Fidonet terms, a "packet" is a file which contains zero or more
  separate messages to be transfered together to a system.  The
  "original" Type 2 packet format only supported 3D node addressing (zone,
  net and node numbers) so different new types of packets were developed.
  None of them have previously been ratified as a standard despite being
  in common use on Fidonet.

  These Type 2 "compatible" formats all use a similar fixed-length
  header and the same packed message format.  Values in these headers
  are in "Little-endian" or "Intel" format with the "least-significant"
  or "low order" byte first followed byte the next most significant up
  to the length of the field.  All integer values SHOULD be treated as
  unsigned, though some notations MAY treat them as signed values (ie:
  Policy 4 mentions address "-1/-1") if a signed value is used, it MUST
  be in twos-compliment little-endian format.

  After the last packed message, there are two NUL characters to
  indicate the end of the packet.

  A Type 2 packet parser which ignores invalid values in some fields
  is able to process all three types (with some loss of information).

  The Type 2+ packet supports 4D addressing, includes product version
  information, and supports a "capability word" method of advertising
  support for new packet types.  It is highly compatible with Type 2
  packets (any Type 2 processor should work with a Type 2+ packet).

  The Type 2.2 packet supports 5D addressing, but is not as compatible
  with Type 2 format as it redefines some rarely-used fields,
  (specifically, date/time and baud) and does not protect the origin
  address when the originating system is a point.

  It is therefore RECOMMENDED that without prior arrangement between the
  systems on both sides of the link, that Type 2+ packets be used rather
  than 2.2 packets for Fidonet.

  1.1 Field types used in this document

    Each field in this document has an associated type which defines the
    format of the field contents.  Type values that are used are:

    Int8, Int16, Int32:
        As described above, these are integer values expressed with the
        number of bits following the "Int" part of the type name.  These
        SHOULD be unsigned integers, but MAY be twos-compliment signed

        NUL-padded, fixed length string.  Always defined with a count of
        bytes.  NULs are added at the end to fill the field.  Since the
        maximum length of the string is the same as the count of byes, this
        is not a NUL-terminated string as the last byte may be part of the

        NUL-terminated string.  A sequence of zero or more non-NUL characters
        followed by a single NUL character.  If a length is specified, does
        NOT include the terminating NUL.  If an nStr with a length of 19 is
        stored, it will take 20 bytes of storage because of the terminating

        Undefined sequence of bytes.  SHOULD be set to NULs (ASCII zero).

2. Original Type 2 Packet

  Originally defined in FSC0001, supports 3D addressing only.  This can
  cause problems when transferring them to/from points, and across
  domain gateways.

  This header has eighteen fields specified below:

  | Name     | Offset | Bytes | Type  | Description                   |
  | origNode | 0      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is from    |
  | destNode | 2      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is to      |
  | year     | 4      | 2     | Int16 | Year packet was created       |
  | month    | 6      | 2     | Int16 | Month  "     "     "          |
  | day      | 8      | 2     | Int16 | Day    "     "     "          |
  | hour     | 10     | 2     | Int16 | Hour   "     "     "          |
  | minute   | 12     | 2     | Int16 | Minute "     "     "          |
  | second   | 14     | 2     | Int16 | Second "     "     "          |
  | baud     | 16     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                     |
  | pktType  | 18     | 2     | Int16 | MUST have a value of 2        |
  | origNet  | 20     | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is from |
  | destNet  | 22     | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is to   |
  | prodCode | 24     | 1     | Int8  | Assigned by the FTSC          |
  | serialNo | 25     | 1     | Int8  | See Notes                     |
  | password | 26     | 8     | pStr  | Packet password, NUL padded   |
  | origZone | 34     | 2     | Int16 | Zone number packet is from    |
  | destZone | 36     | 2     | Int16 | Zone number packet is to      |
  | fill     | 38     | 20    | Undef | SHOULD be NULs                |

    Older software MAY not populate these fields.  If origZone is
    specified and the packed messages do not have a zone specified in
    them, software MAY assume that origZone defines the "default zone"
    for packed messages.

    These define the origin of the packet, not the messages in the

    These define the destination of the packet, not the messages in the

    SHOULD reflect the UTC time when the packet is created.  However,
    software MUST be able to handle this being in local time.  Further,
    since some packet types (such as 2.2) redefine these bytes, programs
    SHOULD function normally if these are invalid or unexpected values.

    Not widely used.  SHOULD be set to zero unless the maximum common
    baud rate between the two systems is known at the time of packet
    creation.  If this field is two, the packet is a Type 2.2 packet as
    specified in part 4.

    As defined in the latest FTA-1005, the product code assigned by the
    FTSC to the software which creates the packet.  A value of 254
    indicates the software has not been assigned a product code.  If
    this value is 255, indicates this is part of a two-byte product
    code (see note for serialNo).

    The contents of this field are not well defined, and this field
    SHOULD NOT be used for anything exception informational purposes
    (such as logging).  When the software generating the packet has been
    issued a two-byte product code, it MAY place the most-significant
    byte in this field.

    NUL-padded password up to eight characters long.  Software SHOULD
    NOT allow NULs in passwords, and when reading this field, any bytes
    after the first NUL SHOULD be treated as though they are also NUL.
    Keep in mind that an eight character password will not have a NUL
    in this field at all, so this is not a NUL terminated string.

    This SHOULD be filled with NUL characters when written and ignored
    when read.

3. Type 2+ Packet

  Originally specified in FSC-0039, then updated by FSC-0048, this
  introduced a mechanism to detect packet type support which, due to
  multiple incompatible "Type 3" packet formats, never really caught on.
  This "Capability Word" feature is not specified in this document.

  The Type 2+ packet added point information and zone information before
  FTS-0001 was updated to include zones.  As a result, the zone numbers
  are in different places in the Type 2 and Type 2+ packet definitions.
  Type 2+ was extended to include zone information in the same location,
  so the Type 2+ packet has the zone information twice.  Software
  creating or modifying packets MUST set these two sets of zone fields
  to the same values.

  In the following table, fields on lines beginning with an "H" reflect
  changes from the Type 2 packet above.

  | Name     | Offset | Bytes | Type  | Description                   |
  | origNode | 0      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is from    |
  | destNode | 2      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is to      |
  | year     | 4      | 2     | Int16 | Year packet was created       |
  | month    | 6      | 2     | Int16 | Month  "     "     "          |
  | day      | 8      | 2     | Int16 | Day    "     "     "          |
  | hour     | 10     | 2     | Int16 | Hour   "     "     "          |
  | minute   | 12     | 2     | Int16 | Minute "     "     "          |
  | second   | 14     | 2     | Int16 | Second "     "     "          |
  | baud     | 16     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                     |
  | pktType  | 18     | 2     | Int16 | MUST have a value of 2        |
  | origNet  | 20     | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is from |
  | destNet  | 22     | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is to   |
  | prodCode | 24     | 1     | Int8  | Assigned by the FTSC          |
  |          |        |       |       | (Low byte only)               |
  H prodVerM | 25     | 1     | Int8  | Major Version Number          |
  | password | 26     | 8     | pStr  | Packet password, NUL padded   |
  | origZone | 34     | 2     | Int16 | Zone number packet is from    |
  | destZone | 36     | 2     | Int16 | Zone number packet is to      |
  H auxNet   | 38     | 2     | Int16 | origNet when orig is a point  |
  H capValid | 40     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                     |
  H prodCodH | 42     | 1     | Int8  | Assigned by the FTSC          |
  H          |        |       |       | (High byte only)              |
  H prodVerN | 43     | 1     | Int8  | Minor Version Number          |
  H capWord  | 44     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                     |
  H origZ+   | 46     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                     |
  H destZ+   | 48     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                     |
  H origPnt  | 50     | 2     | Int16 | Point number packet is from   |
  H destPnt  | 52     | 2     | Int16 | Point number packet is to     |
  H prodData | 54     | 4     | Int32 | Product-specific data         |

    If origNet is 65535 (0xffff), indicates that the originator is a
    point, and the originating network can be found in this field.
    Some old software may not follow this convention, so the network
    number may be found in either of the two fields.  When parsing a
    Type 2+ packet, if origNet is 65535, the software MUST use the
    value from the auxNet field.  When creating a packet, if the
    originating system is a point, it SHOULD set origNet to 65535 and
    put the net number in this field.  In the case where the originating
    net is 65535 (As recommended by Policy 4), it SHOULD be placed in
    both origNet and auxNet.

    Byte-swapped copy of the least-significant 15 bits of capWord.
    That is to say that the most significant bit of capWord is masked
    off, and the resulting two bytes are swapped.  In C:
    capValid = ((capWord & 0x7f00) >> 8) | ((capWord & 0xff) << 8));

    If the capValid and capWord fields do not match, the packet SHOULD
    NOT be processed as a Type 2+ packet.

    Major version number of product generating the packet.  This
    replaces the serialNo field of packet Type 2.

    High (most-significant) byte of FTSC-assigned product code.

    Minor version number of product generating the packet.

    Capability Word.  Not specified in this document, SHOULD have a
    value of 1.  MUST at least have the least significant bit set (ie:
    be an odd number) or the packet is not a valid Type 2+ packet.

    A copy of origZone.  If origZone and origZ+ are different, the
    non-zero one SHOULD be used.  If neither is zero, origZ+ SHOULD be
    used.  A compliant program MUST set these two fields to the same

    A copy of destZone.  As with origZ+, this is the "preferred" copy
    for software to use.

    Point number of the originating system.

    Point number of the destination system.

    Value defined by the holder of the FTSC product code specified.

4. Type 2.2 Packet

  Originally specified in FSC-0045, this packet format supports full 5D

  The Type 2.2 packet format adds both point and domain information, but
  replaces some rarely used fields, so is not as compatible with Type 2
  as Type 2+ is.

  In the following table, fields on lines beginning with an "H" reflect
  changes from the Type 2 packet in section 2.

  | Name     | Offset | Bytes | Type  | Description                   |
  | origNode | 0      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is from    |
  | destNode | 2      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is to      |
  H origPnt  | 4      | 2     | Int16 | Point number packet is from   |
  H destPnt  | 6      | 2     | Int16 | Point number packet is to     |
  H fill     | 8      | 8     | Undef | MUST be NULs                  |
  H subType  | 16     | 2     | Int16 | MUST have a value of 2        |
  | pktType  | 18     | 2     | Int16 | MUST have a value of 2        |
  | origNet  | 20     | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is from |
  | destNet  | 22     | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is to   |
  | prodCode | 24     | 1     | Int8  | Assigned by the FTSC          |
  H prodRev  | 25     | 1     | Int8  | See Notes                     |
  | password | 26     | 8     | pStr  | Packet password, NUL padded   |
  | origZone | 34     | 2     | Int16 | Zone number packet is from    |
  | destZone | 36     | 2     | Int16 | Zone number packet is to      |
  H origDom  | 38     | 8     | pStr  | Domain packet is from,        |
  H          |        |       |       | NUL padded                    |
  H destDom  | 46     | 8     | pStr  | Domain packet is to,          |
  H          |        |       |       | NUL padded                    |
  H prodData | 54     | 4     | Int32 | Product-specific data         |

    Point number of the originating system.  Replaces the year in Type 2

    Point number of the destination system.  Replaces the month in Type
    2 packets.

    Always set to 2.  Replaces the baud from Type 2 packets, indicates
    this is a Type 2.2 packet.

    "Product revision level" software assigned a 2-byte FTSC product
    code SHOULD put the most significant byte in this field, but some
    software MAY put a product version number or other data in this

    NUL padded domain this packet is from.

    NUL padded domain this packet is to.

5. Packed Message

  All Type 2 compatible formats share the same packed message format.
  It consists of a fixed-length header followed by variable-length header
  followed by the message text.

  The fixed-length header is as follows:

  | Name      | Offset | Bytes | Type  | Description                  |
  | msgType   | 0      | 2     | Int16 | MUST have a value of 2       |
  | origNode  | 2      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is from   |
  | destNode  | 4      | 2     | Int16 | Node number packet is to     |
  | origNet   | 6      | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is from|
  | destNet   | 8      | 2     | Int16 | Network number packet is to  |
  | attribute | 10     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                    |
  | cost      | 12     | 2     | Int16 | See Notes                    |


    Net and node the message originated from (not the node the packet
    was created on).

    Net and node the message is directed to (not the node the packet is
    directed to).

    The attribute word of the message.  The following bits are defined,
    any undefined bits MUST be zeroed before the message is packed.
    When processing these packets, undefined attributes MUST be ignored.

    | Bit | Meaning                  |
    | 0   | Private                  |
    | 1   | Crash                    |
    | 4   | File Attached            |
    | 10  | unused                   |
    | 12  | Return Receipt Requested |
    | 13  | Is a Return Receipt      |
    | 14  | Audit Request            |

    Bit 10 SHOULD be retained unchanged when packing messages despite it
    being unused.  All other bits SHOULD be cleared when packing.  The
    attributes can be ANDed with 29715 (0x7413) to clear the appropriate

    Expressed in the lowest unit of originators currency.  Usually set
    to zero.

  After the fixed-length portion is a variable-length series of NUL terminated

  The variable-length header is as follows:

  | Name         | Type | Length        | Description                       |
  | dateTime     | nStr | Exactly 19    | Date and time message was written |
  | toUserName   | nStr | 0-36          | User the message is to            |
  | fromUserName | nStr | 0-36          | User the message is from          |
  | subject      | nStr | 0-36          | Message subject                   |
  | text         | nStr | 0-Infinity    | Message body                      |

  The lengths above do NOT include the NUL terminator.

  dateTime MUST occupy twenty bytes including the NUL terminator.  The
  following is the ABNF notation of the format that messages SHOULD use:

    digit       = "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" /

    dayOfMonth  = "00" / "01" / "02" / "03" / "04" / "05" / "06" / "07" /
                  "08" / "09" / "10" / "11" / "12" / "13" / "14" / "15" /
                  "16" / "17" / "18" / "19" / "20" / "21" / "22" / "23" /
                  "24" / "25" / "26" / "27" / "28" / "29" / "30" / "31" /

    month       = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" / "May" / "Jun" / "Jul" /
                  "Aug" / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec"

    year        = 2*( digit )

    hour        = "00" / "01" / "02" / "03" / "04" / "05" / "06" / "07" /
                  "08" / "09" / "10" / "11" / "12" / "13" / "14" / "15" /
                  "16" / "17" / "18" / "19" / "20" / "21" / "22" / "23" /

    zeroToSixty = "00" / "01" / "02" / "03" / "04" / "05" / "06" / "07" /
                  "08" / "09" / "10" / "11" / "12" / "13" / "14" / "15" /
                  "16" / "17" / "18" / "19" / "20" / "21" / "22" / "23" /
                  "24" / "25" / "26" / "27" / "28" / "29" / "30" / "31" /
                  "32" / "33" / "34" / "35" / "36" / "37" / "38" / "39" /
                  "40" / "41" / "42" / "43" / "44" / "45" / "46" / "47" /
                  "48" / "49" / "50" / "51" / "52" / "53" / "54" / "55" /
                  "56" / "57" / "58" / "59" / "60"

    minute      = zeroToSixty

    second      = zeroToSixty

    dateTime    = dayOfMonth " " month " " year "  " hour ":" minute ":"
                 second %x00

    January 1st, 2016 at 11:15:55pm would therefore be
    "01 Jan 16  23:15:55" with a NUL at the end.  Notice the two spaces
    between the year and the hour.

    This format ensures the broadest compatibility however, other
    formats are known to be in use.  SEAdog has been known to use the
    format "Mon  1 Jan 86 02:34" with a single NUL terminator.

  After the message text is either the next message or the two-NUL
  packet terminator.

  Note that some old systems MAY terminate the message text with an EOF
  (0x1A) or the literal end of the file.  Some even older systems MAY
  terminate the message text with an empty line (0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A).
  To detect this, software MAY use the NUL in the second byte of the Type
  field to attempt to resynchronize.  It is up to the developer if this
  needs to be supported.

  Since the packed message header only contains 2D addresses, the text
  SHOULD have addressing control paragraphs as specified in FTS-4001
  added when messages are packed

6. Comparison of Headers

  The following chart compares the different header fields between the
  three packet header types.  A '*' before the field name indicates it
  is may be incompatible with the Type 2 column value.

  | Offset | Type 2   | Type 2+  | Type 2.2 |
  | 0      | origNode | origNode | origNode |
  | 2      | destNode | destNode | destNode |
  | 4      | year     | year     |*origPnt  |
  | 6      | month    | month    |*destPnt  |
  | 8      | day      | day      |*fill     |
  | 10     | hour     | hour     |* "       |
  | 12     | minute   | minute   |* "       |
  | 14     | second   | second   |* "       |
  | 16     | baud     | baud     |*subType  |
  | 18     | pktType  | pktType  | pktType  |
  | 20     | origNet  | origNet  | origNet  |
  | 22     | destNet  | destNet  | destNet  |
  | 24     | prodCode | prodCode | prodCode |
  | 25     | serialNo |*prodVerM |*prodRev  |
  | 26     | password | password | password |
  | 34     | origZone | origZone | origZone |
  | 36     | destZone | destZone | destZone |
  | 38     | fill     | auxNet   | origDom  |
  | 40     |  "       | capValid |    "     |
  | 42     |  "       | prodCodH |    "     |
  | 43     |  "       | prodVerN |    "     |
  | 44     |  "       | capWord  |    "     |
  | 46     |  "       | origZ+   | destDom  |
  | 48     |  "       | destZ+   |    "     |
  | 50     |  "       | origPnt  |    "     |
  | 52     |  "       | destPnt  |    "     |
  | 54     |  "       | prodData | prodData |

7. Bibliography

  Administrator, "Key words to indicate requirement levels",

  Bush, Randy, "A Basic FidoNet(r) Technical Standard", FTS-0001.016

  Howard, Mark A., "A Type-2 Packet Extension Proposal", FSC-0039.004

  Vroonhof, Jan, "A Proposed Type-2 Packet Extension", FSC-0048.002

  Henderson, Thom, "A Proposal for A New Packet Header Format",

  Crocker, D., Overell, P., "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:
  ABNF", STD 68

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