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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL с датами от 13 Oct 05 22:03:42 до 05 Aug 17 10:35:42, всего сообщений: 3030
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= Сообщение: 1936 из 3030 =================================== GANJANET.LOCAL =
От   : Mithgol the Webmaster            2:5063/88          10 Feb 07 13:51:04
Кому : All                                                 10 Feb 07 13:51:04
Тема : [2/11] FidoURL.txt
FGHI : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+45cda3c7
На   : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+45cd9dd9
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* изначально написано в эхоконференцию FTSC_PUBLIC
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию CU.TALK
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию GANJANET.LOCAL
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию RU.FIDO.WWW
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию RU.FIDONET.TODAY
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию RU.FTN.DEVELOP
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию SU.FIDOTECH
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию TITANIC.BEST

textsection 2 of 11 of file FidoURL.txt

  5.1. The main parts of URLs

    In general, Fidonet URLs are written as follows:


    Any URL contains the name of the scheme being used (<scheme>)
    followed by a colon and then a string (the <scheme-specific-part>)
    whose interpretation depends on the scheme.

    Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters. The lower case
    letters "a"--"z", digits, and the characters plus ("+"), period
    ("."), and hyphen ("-") are allowed. For the sake of resiliency,
    programs interpreting Fidonet URLs SHOULD treat upper case letters
    in scheme names as equivalent to the corresponding lower case
    letters (e.g., allow "AREA" scheme name as well as "area").

    Only the first colon of the URL plays the role of delimiter
    between <scheme> and <scheme-specific-part>. The scheme-specific
    part of any URL MAY contain other colons.

    The colon delimiter between <scheme> and <scheme-specific-part>
    MAY be immediately followed by an optional double slash ("//").
    Fidonet programs interpreting URLs MUST treat the delimiter "://"
    as equivalent to the simple colon before <scheme-specific-part>.

    5.1.1. Conformance note

      This subsection is informative.

      The Fidonet URL schemes defined in this document consist of
      lower case letters "a"--"z" only. However, digits, and the
      characters plus ("+"), period ("."), and hyphen ("-") MUST also
      be allowed in scheme names, so that Internet schemes conforming
      with the specifications of RFC 1738 are correctly dealt with.

    5.1.2. Delimiter guidelines

      In current Internet practice they distinguish between delimiters
      ":" and "://". The delimiter "://" is often used after scheme
      names that designate objects and resources ("http://", "ftp://",
      "gopher://", "nntp://", "ed2k://", "file://", etc.).
      The delimiter ":" is often used after scheme names that
      designate actions (e.g. "mailto:", "skype:").

      The same difference exists between Fidonet resources (objects)
      and actions. That's why, though these delimiters MUST always
      be interpreted as equivalent, it is still RECOMMENDED that ":"
      SHOULD be used after schemes that designate actions ("netmail:",
      "echomail:", "areafix:") and "://" SHOULD be used after schemes
      that designate resources ("area://", "freq://", "fecho://",
      "faqserv://", etc.).

  5.2. URL character encoding

    URLs are sequences of characters (i.e., letters, digits, and/or
    special characters). URLs may be represented in a variety of ways:
    e.g., ink on paper, or a sequence of octets in a coded character
    set. The interpretation of URL depends only on the identity of the
    characters used.

    It is useful to distinguish between a "character" (distinguishable
    semantic entity) and an "octet" (an 8-bit byte).

    In most URL schemes, the character sequences in different parts
    of a URL are used to represent sequences of octets used in Fidonet
    services. For example, in the "netmail:" scheme, the Fidonet
    address, netmail subject and addressee name are such sequences of
    octets, represented by parts of the URL. That sequences of octets,
    in turn, represent the original characters (of subject line, or of
    sysop's name, etc.); each original character is represented by one
    or more octets.

    So there are always two mappings, one from URL characters to
    octets, and the second from octets to original characters:

 URL character sequence<->octet sequence<->original character sequence

    5.2.1. Encoding of original characters

      The following paragraph is informative.

      The sequence of octets defined by a component of the URL
      is subsequently used to represent a sequence of original
      characters. That process could have a very volatile nature.
      Being an international network, Fidonet always needs to deal
      with hundreds of national characters, with dozens of available
      encoding traditions and character sets. There is a number of
      FSC (Fidonet Standard Proposal documents) suggesting several
      kludge-based methods to define which character set is used.
      However, it is not wise to implement any equivalents to kludges
      as a required part of every Fidonet URL; and it could be hard to
      mantain complete lists of all possible character sets inside all
      programs interpreting Fidonet URLs. (Remember, it should be also
      made possible for Fidonet URLs to appear and be well interpreted
      in traditional HTML hypertext environment of the Web, Internet
      e-mail, instant messaging, etc.) That's why only one encoding,
      with large enough character set, has to be chosen.

      The following paragraphs of this subsection are normative.

      The sequence of octets used in Fidonet URLs MUST always contain
      UTF-8 encoded representation of original characters.

      ISO/IEC 10646-1 defines a multi-octet character set called the
      Universal Character Set (UCS), which encompasses most of the
      world's writing systems. And UTF-8, one of a few so-called UCS
      transformation formats (UTF), preserves the 7-bit ASCII range,
      thus providing some compatibility with file systems, parsers and
      other software elements that rely on 7-bit ASCII values but are
      transparent to other values.

      UTF-8 is defined in RFC 2279. Its description can also be found
      in Unicode Technical Report #4 and in the Unicode Standard,
      version 2.0.

    5.2.2. Encoding of octets

      The character sequences in different parts of a URL are used
      to represent sequences of octets.

      It is possible to represent an octet by the chararacter
      which has that octet as its code within the pure 7-bit ASCII
      character set. However, there are some exceptions (see below).

      Alternatively, octets MAY be encoded by a character triplet
      consisting of the character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal
      digits (from "0123456789ABCDEF") which form the hexadecimal
      value of the octet. (The characters "abcdef" MAY also be used in
      hexadecimal encodings.)

      Hexadecimal encoding of any octet MAY be used even when it is
      not REQUIRED or RECOMMENDED. However, it is RECOMMENDED to avoid
      unnecessary hexadecimal encoding, thus keeping URLs reasonably

      It is either REQIRED or RECOMMENDED to use the hexadecimal
      encoding of octets if they have no corresponding graphic
      character within the 7-bit ASCII character set, or if the use
      of the corresponding character is unsafe, or if the
      corresponding character is reserved for some other
      interpretation within the particular URL scheme. These
      requirements and recommendations are detailed below. No corresponding graphic 7-bit character

        URLs are written only with the graphic printable characters
        of the 7-bit ASCII coded character set.

        The octets 80-FF hexadecimal do not belong to 7-bit ASCII,
        and the octets 00-1F and 7F hexadecimal represent control
        characters; these octets MUST be encoded.


With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster.                 [Real nodelisted name: Sergey Sokoloff]

... 204. I will hire an entire squad of blind guards.
--- Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  (Shakespeare, Hamlet, I, IV)
* Origin: I have a strange feeling, as if I already had a deja vu (2:5063/88)

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