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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции GANJANET.LOCAL с датами от 13 Oct 05 22:03:42 до 05 Aug 17 10:35:42, всего сообщений: 3030
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= Сообщение: 1944 из 3030 =================================== GANJANET.LOCAL =
От   : Mithgol the Webmaster            2:5063/88          10 Feb 07 13:51:54
Кому : All                                                 10 Feb 07 13:51:54
Тема : [10/11] FidoURL.txt
FGHI : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+45cda439
На   : area://GANJANET.LOCAL?msgid=2:5063/88+45cda0c7
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
* изначально написано в эхоконференцию FTSC_PUBLIC
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию CU.TALK
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию GANJANET.LOCAL
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию RU.FIDO.WWW
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию RU.FIDONET.TODAY
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию RU.FTN.DEVELOP
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию SU.FIDOTECH
* также было отослано в эхоконференцию TITANIC.BEST

textsection 10 of 11 of file FidoURL.txt

    7.2.3. Regular expressions

      It is possible for an optional parameter of an area URL
      to contain a regular expression. In section a regex
      is used to specify the designated message(s); in section
      a regex defines whether a kludge is visible.

      The language of regular expressions has several dirrerent
      dialects. Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) are chosen
      here as the recommended; that's because PCRE engine has a rich
      set of features, and because the engine is already embedded in
      ECMAScript-compatible browsers of the modern Web.

      The language of regular expressions is far beyond the scope of
      this document. The article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCRE (in
      Wikipedia) and the external links referenced there are probably
      the best to start learning how to write PCRE regexes.

      Some Fidonet browsers have their own JavaScript engines, that
      SHOULD conform to the requirements of the ECMA-262 standard,
      third edition, section 15.10. (The form and functionality of
      its regular expressions is modelled after the regular expression
      facility in the Perl 5 programming language.) Any other Fidonet
      browsers SHOULD use the PCRE library package, which is an
      open source software, written by Philip Hazel, and downloadable
      at http://www.pcre.org/

      Fidonet gates in the Web SHOULD use either Perl itself, or PCRE
      implementation in PHP (preg_grep() function, for example), or
      any other suitable PCRE-compatible implementation.

      A regular expression in a Fidonet URL MUST always take the form


      The only possible flags (pattern modifiers) in Fidonet URLs are
      the letters "i" (if this modifier is set, letters in the pattern
      match both upper and lower case letters) and "m" (if this
      modifier is set, then the "start of line" and "end of line"
      constructs match immediately following or immediately before any
      newline in the subject string, respectively, as well as at the
      very start and end).

      (In brief, "i" means ignoring of case, and "m" means multi-line
      mode of matching.)

    7.2.4. Controlling the visibility of kludges and hidden lines

      This section is informative. Its subsection is normative.

      Kludges (also known as klugde lines or as control paragraphs)
      are special lines embedded in the text body of a Fidonet
      message. Sometimes kludges are used to support new addressing
      and other control information, sometimes they contain pieces of
      auxiliary information about the message's author (location, ICQ
      UIN, Jabber ID, real name, current music, current mood, etc.)
      See technical details in FTS-4000.

      It is said in FTS-4000 that the contents of kludges are intended
      for the programs processing the message (or the copies of the
      message) and not for presentation on the user interface level.

      Fidonet messages usually contain some other special lines of the
      same nature, intended for the programs processing the message,
      and usually hidden from the user. However, that hidden lines
      do not start from SOH (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1) symbol, and thus are not
      kludges. Seen-by stamps, for example, are hidden lines.

      Users are generally able to specify (in user settings or just by
      hotkeys) which kludges and hidden lines are hidden and which are
      visible in their Fidonet browsers. For example, moderators use
      hidden lines to control the expansion of their echoes. Many of
      the non-standard kludges (e.g. location, ICQ UIN, Jabber ID,
      real name, current music, current mood, etc.) are intended to be
      read by humans, but are designed as kludges so that thay can be
      easily hidden by readers annoyed by excessive headers.

      If an author of some "area://" URL feels that some kludge and/or
      some hidden line of the designated message contains relevant
      information, then the author MAY append an optional parameter
      to that URL, in order to overcome the user settings and to show
      the desired kludge or hidden line. Optional parameter "kl"

        This subsection is normative.

        The value of the "kl" optional parameter contains a regular
        expression; if the rest of the URL designates message(s),
        then the Fidonet browser, when it shows the body (bodies) of
        that message(s) to its user, SHOULD NOT hide any of kludges
        or hidden lines that match the given expression.

        See section 7.2.3 for the details about regular expressions.

        When testing whether a kludge matches a regular expression,
        the SOH (Ctrl+A, ASCII 1) symbol MUST be omitted. For example,
        /^[PT]ID/ expression MUST match both "PID" and "TID" kludges,
        though there is SOH between the line beginning (^) and the
        first symbol of the kludge ([PT]) in both of the kludges.

        Consequently, "kl=" regular expressions differ with "find="
        regular expressions for kludges (see subsection,
        and "kl=" expressions are shorter.

        It is also not necessary for a "kl=" expression to contain
        "m" flag, because the "^" construct already matches at the
        beginning of each kludge.


           encoded:  ...&kl=/%5ep/i
           regex:    /^p/i
           matches:  PATH: 5030/1543 966 5020/4441 5080/1003 5020/830
           matches:  PID: GED+W32 1.1.5-b20060515

           encoded:  ...&kl=/path/i
           regex:    /path/i
           matches:  PATH: 5030/1543 966 5020/4441 5080/1003 5020/830
           matches:  Now playing: Children of Dune - The Golden Path

           encoded:  ...&kl=/.*/
           regex:    /.*/
           what it means:  The browser SHOULD show all of the kludges
                           and hidden lines of the message(s).


With best Fidonet 2.0 regards,
Mithgol the Webmaster.                 [Real nodelisted name: Sergey Sokoloff]

... 151. I will not set myself up as a god.
--- Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  (Shakespeare, Hamlet, I, IV)
* Origin: And the Soviets ── waist-deep in the snow ── marched in (2:5063/88)

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