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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции IPV6
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции IPV6 с датами от 31 Jul 11 14:37:00 до 03 Oct 24 21:46:09, всего сообщений: 7440
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= Сообщение: 3448 из 7440 ============================================= IPV6 =
От   : Allen Prunty                     1:2320/100         20 Aug 16 07:54:34
Кому : Michiel van der Vlist                               20 Aug 16 07:54:34
Тема : RE: List of IPv6 Fidonet nodes
FGHI : area://IPV6?msgid=1:2320/100+0F847A32
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP866 ==================================
Ответ: area://IPV6?msgid=2:280/5555+57b86397
On Aug 18, 2016 02:10pm, Michiel van der Vlist wrote to All:

MvdV> Hello All,

MvdV> Here is an update. I have listed Allen Prunty as OO as he does noty
MvdV> yet have an host name in the nodelist with an AAAA record, so he can
MvdV> not accept incoming IPv6 by means gleened from the nodelist only.

MvdV> Mattias Larsson in not in the nodelist yet, so he is listed as a
MvdV> prospective member.

ipv6.livewirebbs.com should do it.  And my provider is technically
lightspeed... which is a bit different than the stock at&t.


MvdV> === Cut ===
MvdV>                       List of Ipv6 nodes
MvdV>                       By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

MvdV>                       Updated 18 August 2016

MvdV>      Node Nr.     Sysop                  Type    Provider     Remark

MvdV>   1  2:280/464    Wilfred van Velzen     Native  Xs4All
MvdV>   2  2:280/5003   Kees van Eeten         Native  Xs4All
MvdV>   3  2:5019/40    Konstantin Kuzov       T-6in4  he.net         PO4
MvdV>   4  2:240/1661   Markus Reschke         Native  DTAG
MvdV>   5  2:280/5555   Michiel van der Vlist  Native  Ziggo
MvdV>   6  1:320/219    Andrew Leary           Native  Comcast
MvdV>   7  2:221/0      Tommi Koivula          T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>   8  2:221/1      Tommi Koivula          T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>   9  2:221/6      Tommi Koivula          T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>  10  2:5053/54    Denis Mikhlevich       Native  TTK-Volga
MvdV>  11  2:5030/257   Vova Uralsky           T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>  12  1:154/10     Nicholas BoЙl          Native  TWC
MvdV>  13  2:203/0      BjФrn Felten           T-6in4  SixXs
MvdV>  14  2:280/5006   Kees van Eeten         Native  Xs4All         INO4
MvdV>  15  3:712/848    Scott Little           T-6RD   iiNet
MvdV>  16  2:5020/545   Alexey Vissarionov     Native  Hetzner
MvdV>  17  1:103/17     Stephen Hurd           T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>  18  2:5020/9696  Alexander Skovpen      T-6to4  he.net
MvdV>  19  2:301/812    Benoit Panizzon        Native  IMPNET
MvdV>  20  2:421/790    Viktor Cizek           Native  T-Mobile
MvdV>  21  2:222/2      Kim Heino              Native  TeliaSonera
MvdV>  22  3:633/280    Stephen Walsh          Native  Ransom IT
MvdV>  23  1:266/404    Bill McGarrity         Native  Comcast
MvdV>  24  4:902/26     Fernando Toledo        T-AYIY  SixXs
MvdV>  25  2:463/877    Alex Shuman            Native  Nline          IO
MvdV>  26  2:280/2000   Michael Trip           Native  Choopa
MvdV>  27  1:19/10      Matt Bedynek           T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>  28  1:249/303    Joe Delahaye           Native  Teksavvy
MvdV>  29  2:280/1043   Michel van Osenbruggen Native  Bit
MvdV>  39  3:770/1      Paul Hayton            T-AYIY  SixXs
MvdV>  31  2:5053/58    Alexandr Kruglikov     Native  CJSC The First
MvdV>  32  1:103/13     Stephen Hurd           Native  Choopa
MvdV>  33  1:120/545    RJ Clay                Native  DC74L
MvdV>  34  3:633/281    Stephen Walsh          T-6in4  he.net
MvdV>  35  2:310/31     Richard Menedetter     T-6in4  SixXs
MvdV>  36  3:633/410    Tony Langdon           Native  IINET
MvdV>  37  2:5005/33    Evgeny Zyatkov         T-6in4  he.net         PO4
MvdV>  38  2:5020/329   Oleg Lukashin          Native  Comfortel
MvdV>  39  3:772/100    James Kelly            Native  2degrees
MvdV>  40  2:246/1305   Emil Schuster          Native  TAL.DE
MvdV>  41  2:2443/1313  Dirk Astrath           Native  VOLMARNET
MvdV>  42  2:2448/4000  Tobias Burchhardt      Native  DTAG           IO
MvdV>  43  2:331/51     Marco d'Itri           Native  BOFH-IT
MvdV>  44  2:203/210    Mattias Larsson        T-6in4  he.net         PM
MvdV>  45  1:2320/100   Allen Prunty           Native  AT&T           OO

MvdV> T-6in4             Static 6in4
MvdV> T-AYIY             Dynamic AYIYA
MvdV> T-6to4             6to4
MvdV> T-6RD              6RD

MvdV> Remarks:

MvdV> IO    Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
MvdV> OO    Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls)
MvdV> INO4  No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls)
MvdV> PO4   Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
MvdV>       but is configured to try IPv4 first)
MvdV> 6DWN  The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
MvdV> DOWN  This node is temporarely down for both IPv4 and IPv6
MvdV> PM    Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
MvdV>       capability but is not yet listed in de Fidonet nodelist.

MvdV> Notes:

MvdV> To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
MvdV> one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
MvdV> node config).  If the destination address is a 6to4 tunnel address
MvdV> (2002::/16) Windows defaults to IPv4 if an IPv4 address is present.

MvdV> === Cut ===

MvdV> Cheers, Michiel

MvdV> --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
MvdV>  * Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)

... The greatest enemy of creatitivy is staying inside your comfort zone
--- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
* Origin: LiveWire -=* Louisville, KY USA *=- LiveWireBBS.Com (1:2320/100)

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