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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции IPV6 с датами от 31 Jul 11 14:37:00 до 01 Apr 24 00:03:00, всего сообщений: 7402
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= Сообщение: 144 из 7402 ============================================== IPV6 =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         03 Dec 13 16:16:34
Кому : Björn Felten                                        03 Dec 13 16:16:34
Тема : IPv6
FGHI : area://IPV6?msgid=2:280/5555+529df93c
На   : area://IPV6?msgid=2:203/2+529a83f8
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Hello Björn,

On Sunday December 01 2013 01:34, you wrote to me:

MvdV>> Yes they make you jump through hoops and the process can be
MvdV>> annoying.

BF>    I probably was fortunate then, I've never had any problems

The problem I had and still have is that I never could make my XP machine work as a router for the /48 subnet associated with my AYIYA tunnel. I eventually discoverd the paragraph in the manual tat says it does not work with Windows.

So I choose another path and that does not invole a SixXs tunnel. I keep it runningm but all it does is accumulate ISKs...

BF>  with any of my three tunnels.

Why three? You said you had e 6in4. As I understand it, one can only run one 6in4 tunnel endpoint per uniwue global IP44 address. So how about tge other two?

BF>    Yes, Jeroen can be an arrogant SOB -- I've had several clashes with
BF> him in the support forum --

So did I. I was told to RTFM. He could have just told me that rouring a subnet with windows doe not work, but he just told me to RTFM. He didn't eben bother to point me to the relevant section.

Eventually I found it. in an assendum by the bane of "what does not work" or something to that effect. It is a mystery to me why someone would go the effort of giving detailed instructions on how to make it work end then burry the announcement tyat it does not work 15 pages down in the manual...

BF> but then again, he's giving the world a free service, that's
BF> outstanding.

I could not reach their website during thew hole weekend.

MvdV>> Once you get past that, they offer a stable and reliable
MvdV>> service.

BF>    Absolutely. The end servers for Sweden are operated by Bahnhof --
BF> the best ISP we have.

Here we have a choice of five POPs. I choose BIT because the are close - bith physically end ping wise, I have seen there server park form inside and one of the bosses there was a Fidonet sysop.

BF>  E.g. they never give out consumer data to the media industry.

I would not be so sure.

BF> Even when ordered to do so by our courts they fight the decision all
BF> the way through our system to the highest level.

Ans they might loose or go brole in the process...

BF>    They will never give NSA, GCHQ or any other snooping agency access
BF> to their fibres.

And if they would they would not tell lest they loose their US cutomers,,,

BF>    In short, I'm extremely happy with the service that Jeroen is
BF> providing, and impressed that he choose Bahnhof for the end of the
BF> Swedish tunnels. That shows that he really knows what he's doing IMHO.

It is all volunteer work. he can onlu choose between thos that volunteer to run a POP.

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20110320
* Origin: 2001:470:1f15:1117::1 (2:280/5555)

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