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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции IPV6 с датами от 31 Jul 11 14:37:00 до 03 Oct 24 21:46:09, всего сообщений: 7440
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= Сообщение: 3789 из 7440 ============================================= IPV6 =
От   : Michiel van der Vlist            2:280/5555         30 Nov 16 15:51:51
Кому : Nicholas Boël                                       30 Nov 16 15:51:51
Тема : Cable modem change
FGHI : area://IPV6?msgid=2:280/5555+583ef52f
На   : area://IPV6?msgid=1:154/10+583edad3
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: CP850 ==================================
Ответ: area://IPV6?msgid=1:154/10+583f69bc
Hello Nick,

On Wednesday November 30 2016 07:47, you wrote to me:

MV>> So I just changed the cable modem for a model that supports IPv6.

NB> Did you know this needed to be done previously? Or did something tip
NB> you off that Ziggo was indeed rolling out IPv6 but you were unable to
NB> utilize it?

Oh, yes I knew it. There is a Dutch internet forum dedicated to Ziggo and there is a Dutch forum for IPv6. Needless to say I participate in both, but mostly in the latter. By comparing notes with other Ziggo customers interested in IPv6 I could follow the rollout quit well. In 2015 they started in a couple of cities with a Cisco modem. The firmaware for the Cisco was quickly rolled back and they switched to the Ubee. The Ubee is still the only one, but we could follow the roll out of the CMTSs. When they got closer to me I knew what I had to look for. I queeried my neighbours. The one next door happened to just have his old Motorola replaced by a Ubee EVM321b and so I asked him if he had IPv6. He had no idea what I was talking about, but he allowed me to push some buttons on his computer and within a minute I confirmed he had IPv6. Then I knew if was time to try to get the same modem. Asking Ziggo was useless, I already found that out, so I started looking on the grey market and within two weeks, I found one for a reasonable price within half an hour ride on the Honda VF750.

MV>> As I said, they give you the CPE on loan. The contract states
MV>> that it has to be returned eventually. With a penalty of EUR 65
MV>> for failure. So these modems are not supposed to apeear on the
MV>> market. Fact is that they do. Aldo they have the legal right to
MV>> demand return of the ol modes, they often do not insist and
MV>> customers are requested to dispose of old modems themselves. Also
MV>> modems get lost because of adminstrative errors.

Coming to think of it, they never asked me to return my 10+ year old Motorola modem either...

NB> Our cable company also goes by this method. Although I do think we're
NB> allowed to buy our own modems. With the ease of them providing one for
NB> you, you don't ever feel the need to do so until you actually analize
NB> your bill and see how much you've paid for the same modem in rent over
NB> the last 2-3 years. I could have easily bought and paid for a couple
NB> already.

Here we do not have that choice. There is no rent for the modem specified on the bill. Officially you do not rent it, it is given on loan "for free". I presume this is a legal construction that allows them to force you to use their modem. If they would rent it out for a fee, the customer could refuse.

In Germany they recently adopted a law that disallowes "zwangsrouter". Meaning that ISPs MUST allow their customers to buy and use their own equipment. I do not know the details, perhaps Markus can tell us more.

Like you, I would very much prefer the German model. Not just because owning your own stuff usually is cheaper in the long run but also because the stuff from the providers is not all that good. There is much better equipment to be had on the open market. I'd go for a Fritzbox cable modem if I has the choice.

Unfortunately we do not have a Dutch modem industry that can push a "zawangsrouterverbot" here. In contrast to Germany.

MV>> The second gamble was if I could get it registered with- and
MV>> accepted by the cable company. I didn't get it through their
MV>> official channels. From their POV it is a renegade. Much to my
MV>> surprise however I managed to register it with the activation
MV>> codes supplied to me for my previous modem.

NB> Understood. It's pretty surprising that they didn't notice that modem
NB> had already been registered by someone else.

They can see the MAC, so they should be able to see that it jas been registered before. But they do re-issue refurbished modems, so seeing a previously issued modem turn up at another customer is not an error condition per sé.

MV>> So now I am a happy camper...

NB> That's what matters in the end.

I do not know if this is the end. This whole thing has been very low key. There has been no official announcement other than what they have been saying for the last five years: "We will roll out IPv6 later this year. The customers will not notice it".

So... since it is not official, they can roll it back any time. As I mentioned, I have not cancelled my tunnels accounts. The tunnels are dormant, but can be revived when needed...

MV>> So far so good. It does what I want it to do. I have stable dual
MV>> stack. But I have already found some quirks.

NB> As you will, I'm sure.

Like that the web interface of the modem is not reaceable via IPv6. So this box is not usable in an IPv6 only environment...

NB> Sometimes it seems like the people working on introducing IPv6 at the
NB> providers know about as much if not less about it than we do. I was
NB> told I'd get an email (along with everyone else) letting me know when
NB> IPv6 was functional. Well, still no email.. but I've been using native
NB> IPv6 for some time already.

So.. in your case it is not "official" either. It can go away tomorrow...

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
* Origin: he.net certified sage (2:280/5555)

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