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FGHIGate на GaNJa NeTWoRK ST@Ti0N - Просмотр сообщения в эхоконференции IPV6
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Присутствуют сообщения из эхоконференции IPV6 с датами от 31 Jul 11 14:37:00 до 01 Apr 24 00:03:00, всего сообщений: 7402
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= Сообщение: 5143 из 7402 ============================================= IPV6 =
От   : Tony Langdon                     3:633/410          03 Feb 18 06:38:00
Кому : Michiel van der Vlist                               03 Feb 18 06:38:00
Тема : Re: ipv6
FGHI : area://IPV6?msgid=288.fido-ipv6@3:633/410+1ed9fab1
На   : area://IPV6?msgid=2:280/5555+5a746e67
= Кодировка сообщения определена как: ASCII ==================================
-=> Michiel van der Vlist wrote to Tony Langdon <=-

MvV> Perhaps as long as they exist. My first ISP was HCCnet. An ISP created
MvV> by the Hobby Compter Club. They were very tech friendly. But they were
MvV> small. And the small ones get eaten by the big ones. That was the end
MvV> tech friendly...

Same has happened here.  My ISP is now part of the second largest group in the
country, having been bought, then their new parent being bought out

MvV> Perhaps. Trying to look too far in the future is not always fruitful.
MvV> Yes, I agree that in your case it probably makes sense to wait a
MvV> while...

Yes, nothing is likely to change for a while, and these things can be done as
part of a normal upgrade cycle on either end.

MvV>> I say IPv4 /is/ broke. It has run out of addresses and we have
MvV>> to resort to ever more complex work arounds to keep it working.

TL> True.

MvV> So we agree on that. Good!


... Sorry for the typos...I wix my mords quite often.
=== MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
--- SBBSecho 3.03-Linux
* Origin: Freeway BBS Bendigo,Australia freeway.apana.org.au (3:633/410)

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